Sah 回來後兩人發威大吃特吃. 早餐還沒消化就要吃午餐. 這回來到Burger 1885. 起初在師大附近開店,  直到今年初才搬到微風廣場旁邊. Sah 點了原味起司牛肉漢堡, 牛堡肉外面煎的焦焦地, 中間仍然只有七分熟, 味道鮮嫩, 吃得出牛肉的甜美. 最優質的是薯條. 炸的酥酥脆脆, 還撒下些微的胡椒, 超級美味!和坊間美式餐廳或cafe相比, 這兒的薯條真是太讚了!Sah 也舉雙手贊成.

Been eating crazy since Sah came back to Taipei. One meal after another like a never ending road. Sah ordered Original Cheese Beef Burger. Julcy beef patty with cheese on top. Beef was so tender that you can taste the freshness and sweetness of beef straight away. Chips (French Fries) was very crunchy and aromatic. Way better than the other western food restaurants or cafe in Taiwan.


我點了蘑菇起司牛肉漢堡套餐, 附上可續杯的飲料. 蘑菇雖是罐頭再加工, 但是味道有濃濃的牛油香. 十分好吃.

I ordered one of the set menus of the day - Mushroom Cheese Beef Burger.  It comes along with refillable drink. The mushroom was very buttery and tasty.   


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