每回經過南京東路一段的JBSD涓豆腐總是大排長龍. 有天心血來潮想吃韓國菜, 決定到這兒試試. 點餐後先送上無限供應的小菜 - 一家人各有所好, 大碗公喜歡煎豆腐, 麵帥及飯Q支持海苔, 而我喜歡吃涼拌黃豆芽. I was craving for Korean food on one cold Saturday afternoon. Decided to try Dubu House on Nan Jing East Road originating from Korea. Free flow of cold dishes - my favourite was the bean sprouts. 


牛肉泡菜嫩豆腐鍋 - 豆腐鍋送上後服務生才加入生雞蛋. 還附上一鍋的石鍋飯. 我們點的是小辣, 味道適中, 牛肉挺嫩的, 不過肉片的數量不多, 泡菜也很少. 石鍋飯有加入一些紫米, 吃起來很健康, 石鍋內的鍋巴黏在底部, 倒入一些麥茶, 再加蓋, 10分鐘後就變成粥摟! Kimchi Soondubu with Beef (the set comes with a stone pot rice) - we ordered mild flavour which was tasty. The beef was tender but the portion was small. The kimchi was not a lot either. 


海鮮煎餅 - 有厚以及薄兩種選擇. 以下的是厚片, 皮過厚, 沒有香穌的口感, 吃起來像是小時候女鐵人自製的蛋餅. 值得加分的只有新鮮的海鮮吧. Seafood Pancake - you can pick either thick or thin crust. The photo below shown the thick crust which was a diasppointment. It was bit soggy with no crunchy taste. The only plus side is the fresh seafood.


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