介於捷運中山站與雙連站的Rooster Cafe & Vintage, 是一間小巧, 溫馨的cafe. 店內的擺設與桌椅都是有歷史的老物件, 沒有長得一樣的桌或椅子, 彷彿一入內即回到了舊時代, 步調也不經意的慢了下來. 在一週末早晨來到Rooster Cafe, 溫暖的陽光照進來, 讓人有放鬆的感覺. 菜單的名字也非常有趣, 看了會心一笑. 慢食與新鮮的食材, 是我對Rooster Cafe的註解. Rooster Cafe & Vintage is located between Zhongshan and Shuanglian MRT Stations. Open from 8am, Rooster Cafe is a great place to eat, chill out or just read a good book. It reminds me of the old time as soon as I stepped into the cafe with its vintage deco. The dishes here are simple yet fresh and homely.   


男子漢的早餐 $220 - 豐盛的男子漢的早餐, protein, fiber & carbs全都照顧到了!


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