飯帥三歲摟! 在他生日當天我們與鐵牛嫂到北投賞櫻花, 再到麗禧酒店喝下午茶, 身心靈大放鬆, 十分開心.  下午茶包含一杯飲品以及三層的點心. 最上層是新鮮的水果. Grand View Resort is located in Beitou in Taipei city with easy access by Metro. Shuttle bus is available between Beitou metro station and Grand View Resort. We visited Beitou in early Spring for its cherry blossom and relaxing afternoon tea at Grand View Resort. The afternoon tea set comes with choice of drinks and three tiers of food. Top tier comes with fresh fruit. 


甜的點心 - 使用大量的粉紅色, 正好和當令的櫻花盛開與草莓季相輝映. Scone 跟布丁都好吃. Pastries - I liked the pudding, shortcake and scone. Plenty of pink colour was presented to reflect the current season - cherry blossoming.


鹹的點心 - quiche 有些過鹹; 中間的焗烤蕃茄與杏鮑菇太油; 沙拉口感新鮮, 義大利油醋的沙拉醬有加分的作用. Savory pastries - quiche was bit dry, the cheesy tomato with mushroom was on the oily side. Salad was fresh with light vinegratte dressing.  


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