歐洲最高的建築物The Shard位於英國倫敦, 於2012年開幕, 總高310m. The View From The Shard的 於68 - 72樓設景觀台, . 最頂樓的景觀台是半開放式的, 邊興賞美景邊吹風, 很舒服. The View From The Shard有限制上去參觀的名額, 所以建議門票先在網上購買, 以免撲空. 34 - 52樓為Shargri-La Hotel香格里拉酒店, 預計於2013年底開幕. 其他的樓層包括住家, 餐廳與辦公室. 在London Bridge tube station旁邊, 交通十分便利. The Shard made its grand opening in 2012 making the tallest building in Europe (overtaken London Eye). We visited The View From the Shard on a sunny yet windy late afternoon in end of June for sunset viewing. The whole experience was wonderful with beautiful design of The Shard and of course - the overall view of London. Reservation is highly recommended as The Shard has limited entrance per time slot. Shangri-La is expected to open its door end of 2013, locating between 34 to 52 floors. London's bustling Borough Market is literally next door with plenty of restaurants and pubs available.






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