Nola Kitchen 紐澳良小廚位於信義區象山親山步道口, 緊鄰三犁公園, 屬住宅區巷內的小店. 店內位置不多, 不過位置寬敞, 沒有擁擠的感覺. Nola Kitchen自豪的楓糖鬆餅炸雞是我去之前最想嘗試的一道菜餚. 鹹鹹的炸雞與楓糖鬆餅吃起來會是甚麼口感ㄋ? 沒想到焦焦脆脆的去骨炸雞腿肉加上外酥內軟的鬆餅,一甜一鹹搭起來卻不突兀,加上楓糖漿,口感更是一絕! 這跟小時候去同學家, 同學的媽媽做的花生醬煎蛋三明治一樣, 初次見到覺得奇妙, 但甜鹹參雜的衝突味覺,出乎意外的搭配.  楓糖鬆餅炸雞 $260 - Chicken & Waffles. Nola Kitchen is hiding within the residential area in Xinyi district near Sanli Park and Elephant Mountain trail. I put my hope high on their famous chicken and waffles and it did not diasppoint me. I thought the taste would be conflicting against each other yet the salty and crispy fried chicken with sweet and soft waffle were surprisingly tasty together. 


蕃茄香腸麵 $260 - 麵Q點的蕃茄香腸麵, 微辣的香腸, 九層塔與濃濃的蕃茄醬汁, 很對味. 麵Q一下子就吃光光. Pasta with Tomato and Sausage - slightly spiced sausages with basils matched well.


德州烤豬肋排 $360 - 大碗公點的烤豬肋排味道一般, 肉過柴, 沒有juicy的口感. Texas Spare Ribs - this dish was not very exciting as the ribs were too dried.


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