為了慶祝超級大好友河馬小姐的生日, 大夥兒聚在中壢市的EST義斯特義大利餐館. EST除了pasta, 還有risotto(燉飯)及排餐, 選擇挺多樣化. 點一份主餐再加$80即可升級為套餐, 包含了前菜, 麵包, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點及飲料. 可以說是物超所值. 今兒的前菜是雞肉煎蛋和杏齙菇冷盤. 最驚奇的就是雞肉煎蛋旁, 紫色的甜菜根(beetroot), 以前住在Sydney時常常吃. 難得在台灣見到, 真特別. 它的甜菜根比Journey Kaffe的好吃. To celebrate my super buddy Missy Hippo's birthday, we gathered at the middle point - Chungli City's (in Taoyuan County) EST Italian Restaurant on a sunny Saturday. EST was established 6 years ago and I am not surprise why it is still up and running in Chungli City. The menu offers pasta, risotto, meat (steak and chicken) and seafood. With addtional $80, you can upgrade the main to set meal which comes with entree, bread, soup, salad, dessert and drink. It's good value for money and a great location for gathering with families and friends. The entree was pan fried chicken with egg and mushroom in garlic dressing. Highlight of the dish was the long lost beetroot. I had it a lot when I was in Sydney. It was more tasty than the one I had at Journey Kaffe.


剛加熱的麵包配上牛油 (純牛油或是碎培根牛油)真香真好吃. 飯帥吃了2個! Oven toasted bread with 2 types of butter - plain and bacon crunch. Yum! 


波菜濃湯 - 賣相不錯, 麵Q很愛喝, 自己的喝完還喝程程弟的. 不過我不愛波菜, 所以沒有嘗試. Spinach Creamed Soup - great presentation. I am unable to comment on its taste as I am not a spinach fan.


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