
為了慶祝超級大好友河馬小姐的生日, 大夥兒聚在中壢市的EST義斯特義大利餐館. EST除了pasta, 還有risotto(燉飯)及排餐, 選擇挺多樣化. 點一份主餐再加$80即可升級為套餐, 包含了前菜, 麵包, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點及飲料. 可以說是物超所值. 今兒的前菜是雞肉煎蛋和杏齙菇冷盤. 最驚奇的就是雞肉煎蛋旁, 紫色的甜菜根(beetroot), 以前住在Sydney時常常吃. 難得在台灣見到, 真特別. 它的甜菜根比Journey Kaffe的好吃. To celebrate my super buddy Missy Hippo's birthday, we gathered at the middle point - Chungli City's (in Taoyuan County) EST Italian Restaurant on a sunny Saturday. EST was established 6 years ago and I am not surprise why it is still up and running in Chungli City. The menu offers pasta, risotto, meat (steak and chicken) and seafood. With addtional $80, you can upgrade the main to set meal which comes with entree, bread, soup, salad, dessert and drink. It's good value for money and a great location for gathering with families and friends. The entree was pan fried chicken with egg and mushroom in garlic dressing. Highlight of the dish was the long lost beetroot. I had it a lot when I was in Sydney. It was more tasty than the one I had at Journey Kaffe.


剛加熱的麵包配上牛油 (純牛油或是碎培根牛油)真香真好吃. 飯帥吃了2個! Oven toasted bread with 2 types of butter - plain and bacon crunch. Yum! 


波菜濃湯 - 賣相不錯, 麵Q很愛喝, 自己的喝完還喝程程弟的. 不過我不愛波菜, 所以沒有嘗試. Spinach Creamed Soup - great presentation. I am unable to comment on its taste as I am not a spinach fan.


竹笙蘿蔔牛肉清湯 - 料很豐富, 湯頭也很棒, 我超級愛喝! Beef Stew with Bamboo Funs and Radish - not an Italian soup but more like a Chinese soup. However it tasted so good that I wanted to have a second bowl!


香橙優格蔬菜沙拉 - Greens with Orange Yoghurt Dressing


熏烤雞肉和風油醋沙拉 - Roasted Chicken with Ponze Dressing


凱薩沙拉 - 新鮮的沙拉吃原味的就好吃. 最怕碰到變軟的蔬菜或是盤子下還有水, 不過在EST不用擔心歐. Ceasar Salad - fresh vegetable means everything. I liked its freshness and cruchiness.  


蘆筍培根蘑菇蕃茄麵 ($300) - 蕃茄味道濃郁, 還有脆脆的蘆筍, 好吃. Spaghetti with Asparagus Becon, Mushroom in Tomato Sauce - strong tomato sauce aroma with crunchy asparagus was very tasty. I would definitely order it again in my next visit. 


鮮干貝綠蘆筍松露燉飯 ($400) - 麗倩一見到它就說份量很大. 新鮮的干貝跟煮的香濃的燉飯看來有模有樣. 味道也很優! 不過松露很迷你. Risotto with Scallops, Asparagus and Truffles - fresh and big scallops made this dish looked more appertising. The protion again was very generous.


生山葵魚卵蝦仁奶油麵 ($300) - 這道是我跟壽星公華仔都點的日式pasta. 微辣的山葵醬跟奶油醬形成了有趣的組合. 愛吃魚卵的我覺得挺優的歐. Spaghitti with Wasabi Dip, Fish Roe and Prawns in Cream Sauce - green wasabi dip mixed with creamed sauce marked its triumph. I also love fish roes and indeed I enjoyed this dish very much.


烤鴨胸蔬菜雞蛋寬版麵 ($280) - 壽星-河馬小姐點的, 鴨胸肉份量雖不多, 但加上新鮮的香菇薄片味道不錯. Egg Fettuccine with Sliced Duck Breast and Vegetable - thinly sliced duck breast with fresh mushroom was a good combination.


明蝦火腿奶油寬版麵 ($400) - 明蝦很大隻, 也很新鮮, 飯帥非常喜歡吃. 寬版麵煮的軟硬適中. Fettuccine with King Prawn and Cream Sauce - the King Prawn was big and fresh. Fettuccine was cooked just right. 


兒童餐($250) - 份量十足, 薯條很香脆, 奶油醬的pasta也在水準之上. 不過建議EST可以把水果放在另一個容器內, 不然水果沾到奶油醬挺怪的誒. Kid's Meal ($250) - crunchy fries with creamed sauce pasta. The size was very generous that was enough for an adult! I would like to suggest EST to place the fruit in a separate container....fruits mixed with creamed sauce would not taste too good. 


Kid's Meal's drink - orange juice


咖啡甜酒tiramusu - 味道一般, 吃不出咖啡或是酒的味兒. 我想甜點不是EST的強項吧! Tiramisu with Mascarpone Cheese - it tasted more like a sponge cake. I guess EST is not known for its dessets.


手工焦糖鮮奶酪 - 壽星-河馬姐妹說它吃起來比較像布丁, 不過還是很好吃. 程程弟, 無聲無息的就一口氣吃光光. Panne Cotta with Fruit Compote - the Birthday girl, Hippo said it tasted more like a pudding though it was still tasty. Little Andy was able to finish it just in a blink.


 EST's shopfront


EST's interior


EST停車方便, 食物好吃, 服務友善, 而且價格公道, 大家不彷去中壢試試看. Andy點的燒烤嫩雞腿佐黑胡椒醬汁忘了照, 下次我動作要快點. 


EST義斯特義式創作料理 EST Cuccina Brasserie



11:30 - 14:30 / 17:30 - 21:30


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