香港鑫華茶餐廳位於師大商圈的金華街, 口味地道加上經濟實惠, 多樣化的菜單, 老少咸宜. 若是週末來, 請有心理準備要等上一陣子, 生意非常好歐. 當日的例湯 - 西洋菜與排骨燉了很久, 湯的香氣十足, 不加味精, 記得要先喝湯再吃主食, 才是香港style歐! Hong Kong Tea House is located near Shida University (NTNU). No fency deco, just authenic dishes may make you feel like you are in Hong Kong. Daily soup - Watercress with pork bones. Sweet and aromatic soup was simply yet down to earth.
港式炒麵 ($130) - 幾乎每桌都點. 麵條炸的香香酥酥脆脆的. 上面淋上勾芡的海鮮及肉片, 港味十足, 難怪是招牌菜. Hong Kong Style Deep Fried Noodle - a very popular dish. Crispy deep fried noodle with seafood, meat and green vegetables.
滑蛋牛肉飯 ($100) - 我每到茶餐廳一定要點的滑蛋系列, 因為我太愛吃蛋了啦! 它沒有讓我失望, 好好吃歐. 旁邊附上滷豆皮, 增添了點台灣味兒. Beef and Egg over Rice - In order to determine a HK tea house's authenticity, I tend to order this dish wherever I visit. It has not disappoint me at all.