歐林鐵板燒在中壢的中原大學附近, 對面即是普仁派出所. 在中壢已經有很長的時間了. 記得小時候就看到它在現址屹立不搖. 歐林鐵板燒的裝潢一般, 價格是走親民的路線, 不過口味不馬呼. 每道菜都有牛油的香味, 加上特製的醬汁, 最適合愛吃重口味的朋友了. 今兒個來到歐林鐵板燒不到中午12點, 但是已經坐滿了. 點一份主餐即贈送炒青菜, 炒豆芽, 以及無限食用的白飯, 湯以及飲料. 一不節制就會吃太撐. 麵Q及飯帥當天各吃了2碗飯. 黑胡椒牛肉 ($120) - 牛肉薄片快速翻炒, 加上牛油, 使得牛肉吃起來嫩嫩的. 非常下飯. This teppanyaki eatery has been up and running in Chungli City near Chung Yuan Christian University since I was young. You can even get take-aways from this eatery. The deco is not fancy at all and the price is very reasonable. Though the chefs are still attentive to its flavour and sauce. Most of the dishes come with buttery smell. All main dish comes with a stir fried vege, a stir fired bean sprout and free flow of rice, soup and drinks. Beef with Black Pepper Sauce - Buttery beef with sliced onions definitely made up a good companion with rice.
香味豬肉 - 豬肉薄片加上洋蔥跟青蔥, 濃濃的牛油香, 很下飯. Teppanyaki Pork - another great dish that goes well with rice.