好友珍珠兔介紹的 Journey Kaffe 位於內湖科學園區, 是個適合一個人或是跟好友, 家人去的地方. 早餐點了迷迭香煎鮑魚菇, 鮑魚菇煎地脆脆的, 地中海燴菜煮的很美味, 黑裸麥麵包 (sourdough bread)中間夾了cheese, 很香歐. 馬鈴薯沙拉味道一般, 透明容器的醬汁不知道要配誰ㄟ.
Journey Kaffe is situated in Nei Hu, Taipei which is easily access by MRT. It's suitable if you are going alone, or with family and friends. We ordered Fried Ablone Mushroom with Rosemary from their breakfast menu. Mushroom and sauteed vegetable were fresh with strong aroma. Lightly toasted sourdough with cheese was great. Mashed potato and rosemary dip were just average.
義大利臘腸磚餅, 我很愛吃磚餅, 薄薄的餅皮中間夾了新鮮蔬菜, 吃起來甜甜的. 沒想到吃到中間有嗆辣的墨西哥青辣椒, 有加分的作用. 義大利臘腸的味道不強, 少了煙薰的香味, 覺得吃起來像一般的火腿.
I am a big fan of wraps. We ordered salami & Ham Wrap - plenty of fresh vegetables with cheese. I was surprised with the strong hit of jalapeno pepper slices. Salami tasted more like ham as it didn't have the smokey flavour.