好友珍珠兔推薦的183 Live Pasta從東區分家後搬到基隆路二段, 好口味依然不變. 菜單的選擇豐富, A組合附湯及飲料. B組合附湯, 麵包, 沙拉, 甜點及飲料. 算是好吃, 價錢又親民的一間小店. 以下的價錢均是以A套餐為準, B組合要多加$90. 單點的薯條 ($80) - 炸的香脆, 相當受大小朋友喜愛. 用超大咖啡杯裝盤, 十分可愛. We visited 183 Live Pasta after our grass sledge avtivity on a sunny Sunday noon. We were starving yet 183 Live Pasta's dishes didn't dissapoint us at all. You can order Set A which comes with soup and drink. Set B (with an additional of $90) comes with soup, toasted bread, salad, dessert and drink. All prices quoted below refer to Set A. French Fries (or Chips) - light and crunchy which was popular among all.
玉米濃湯 - 香濃的玉米濃湯, 加了雞肉絲, 紅蘿蔔丁, 真的很好喝! 大家一定要試試! Corn Soup - thinly sliced Chicken with carrot cubes were added into the soup. It was thick and aromatic which was my favourite of the day.
蔬菜雞肉湯 - 中式口味的清湯, 味道清淡. Chicken Vegetable Soup - a very healthy and light choice if you find Corn Soup on the heavy side.