好友珍珠兔推薦的183 Live Pasta從東區分家後搬到基隆路二段, 好口味依然不變. 菜單的選擇豐富, A組合附湯及飲料. B組合附湯, 麵包, 沙拉, 甜點及飲料. 算是好吃, 價錢又親民的一間小店. 以下的價錢均是以A套餐為準, B組合要多加$90. 單點的薯條 ($80) - 炸的香脆, 相當受大小朋友喜愛. 用超大咖啡杯裝盤, 十分可愛. We visited 183 Live Pasta after our grass sledge avtivity on a sunny Sunday noon. We were starving yet 183 Live Pasta's dishes didn't dissapoint us at all. You can order Set A which comes with soup and drink. Set B (with an additional of $90) comes with soup, toasted bread, salad, dessert and drink. All prices quoted below refer to Set A. French Fries (or Chips) - light and crunchy which was popular among all.
玉米濃湯 - 香濃的玉米濃湯, 加了雞肉絲, 紅蘿蔔丁, 真的很好喝! 大家一定要試試! Corn Soup - thinly sliced Chicken with carrot cubes were added into the soup. It was thick and aromatic which was my favourite of the day.
蔬菜雞肉湯 - 中式口味的清湯, 味道清淡. Chicken Vegetable Soup - a very healthy and light choice if you find Corn Soup on the heavy side.
B 組合的沙拉 - Salad as part of Set B
奶油蔬菜義大利麵 ($210) - 好友珍珠兔大推的餐點. 要說它是183 Live Pasta的人氣商品ㄧ點也不為過. 廚師將奶油醬調味地相當美味, 香氣十足, 卻不覺得油膩. Creamed Vegetable Spaghetti got to be one of their signature dishes. Creamed sauce was rich yet not oily. Strong aroma of fresh vege and creamed sauce marked a triumph of this dish.
蕃茄蔬菜燉飯 ($210) Vegetable Risotto in Tomato Sauce
義大利肉醬麵 ($210) - 肉醬麵有濃厚的蕃茄味, 證名廚師沒有偷工減料. 麵Q再度發揮實力, 幾乎吃光光. Spaghetti Bolognese - spaghetti was cook just right, together with strong tomato paste flavour was another good dish of the day.
奶油海鮮焗飯 ($240) 我愛吃海鮮, 也愛吃奶油醬. 海鮮有蝦子, 花枝和蚵蠣歐! 這份料理烤的非常美味, 香濃的cheese 和奶油醬搭配的很好, 不知不覺就吃光光了. Baked Seafood Risotto with Creamed Sauce - being a big fan of seafood and creamed sauce, this dish ticked all my boxes. Fresh prawns, squid and clamps can be found in the dish.
番茄牛肉焗飯 ($270) - 外觀和奶油海鮮焗飯差不多, 不過cheese底下可大大不同. 撲鼻的蕃茄醬汁搭配嫩牛肉, 味道不賴歐! 不過我個人覺得有一些些過鹹. Baked Beef Risotto with Tomato Sauce - it may look the same as the above. Well, once you flip over the cheese, it tasted totally for sure. I personally prefer the Seafood Risotto with Creamed Sauce better as the Beef Risotto was bit salty. However, the beef was tender.
辣味義大利丸炒飯 ($210) - Spicy Italian Sausage Fried Rice
焦糖布丁 - 味道不錯, 不過若要叫它焦糖布丁, 上面應該要用blow torch稍微燒一下, 讓它看起來有脆脆的焦糖片. Creme Brulee - in general it was tastly but it didn't look like a creme brulee at all. The blow torch is needed to create a crispy caramelised top.
喜歡義大利食物的朋友可以去試試歐! 在櫃台坐鎮的老板娘非常友善歐.
183 Live Pasta
台北市信義區基隆路二段183號 (捷運六張犁站)