好上好燒臘海鮮小廚於1997年開業至今, 一開始以茶餐廳以及港式燒臘為主, 這趟回到雪梨發現它也開始賣起海鮮, 菜單的選擇更多樣化, 裝潢也變漂亮了. 滑蛋牛肉炒河 (AUD11.50) - 這是我到港式餐廳必點的一道, 因為我愛吃的河粉, 牛肉以及滑滑軟軟的蛋全都在這兒. 河粉有先下鍋乾炒過, 有鍋氣也有淡淡的醬油香, 再淋上滑蛋牛肉, 味道很優歐! 算是整餐裡味道較清淡的一道. 麵Q也很喜歡吃. Chatswood BBQ Kitchen opened its door in 1997. It started as a basic BBQ eatery and now extended its menu to include what Hong Kong chefs are good at - seafood. Fried Rice Noodle with Beef and Scrambled Egg - I always judge a Hong Kong style eatery based on this dish given it has all my favourite food in one. It has not disappoint me!
油雞飯 (AUD10) - 份量足夠給兩個人食用的油雞飯, 雞皮很香, 雞肉很嫩, 旁邊的蔥薑醬也很美味. 有港式燒臘店的水準. Soy Sauce Chicken with Rice - tender soy sauce chicken with steamed rice tasted very authentic for being one of the populars in this Hong Kong style BBQ eatery.