南京東路五段巷內有一家開了三十多年的陳家涼麵, 而且是24小時營業(週日休). 決定在週六早上去朝聖, 看看它為何能出現在各大旅遊書. 涼麵有大($50)及小($40)兩種選擇. 不過大和小的份量差不多. 涼麵的麵條細細地, 沒有鹼粉的味道, 醬汁是淡淡的醬油, 大蒜, 醋及芝麻醬. 吃起來順口, 一下子就可以吃完它. This 24/7 (close on Sundays), cold noodle eatery is located in Nan Jin East Road for over 30 years. Decided to pay a visit on a sunny Saturday morning to see why it has been showing up on numerous travel guidebooks. The cold noodle comes in two portion - large ($50) and small ($40). I don't really see the size difference between the two though. The noodle itself is thin and chewy. Light soy sauce together with garlic, vinegar and sesame sauce marks its simple but easy to eat dish.
味噌湯 - 十分台式的味噌湯, 甜甜的湯頭, 有些許的豆腐及蔥花. 我還是喜歡日本傳統的味噌湯. Miso Soup - very Taiwanese miso soup as the soup tasted sweet. Small portion of tofu and chopped spring onions were added into the soup. Not my type as I prefer the Japanese style of miso soup.
味噌湯加蛋 - 大碗公覺得十分普通. Miso Soup with Egg - a very intersting soup that I would not order again.