選在平日上午11點和珍珠兔到科教館旁邊的伽立略Galilei Family Brunch用餐, 舒適的用餐環境馬上吸引我們, 一到二樓看到了乾淨的兒童遊戲區, 兩人不禁發出讚嘆聲, 覺得台灣應該要有多一些這種類型的餐廳. 用餐後對它的餐點很滿意, 有相見恨晚的感覺呢. 連平日時段餐廳的生意都很好. 80%都是媽媽們帶著小朋友來用餐. 伽立略經典起司帕尼尼 ($310) - 中間夾了蕃茄, 德國燻香腸, 美乃滋和起司, 燻香腸的香味搭上甜甜鹹鹹的醬汁, 非常美味. 新鮮的沙拉與蔓越莓沙拉醬的組合十分特別. Galilei Family Brunch is located next to National Taiwan Science Education Centre (NTSEC) in Shilin, Taipei. The indoor children's play area is clean and bright. The food here won't disappoint you either. Garlilei Cheese Panini - smoked sausage, tomato, mayo and cheese. I liked its smoky flavour with sweet and salty sauce. Cranberry salad dressing was very interesting too.


Brunch 還附上鮮榨西瓜汁和水果歐. Fresh watermelon juice and fruit was part of brunch menu


伽立略經典漢堡 ($280) - 厚厚的牛肉非常多汁, 卻不會柴, 一邊吃一邊滴油, 再搭配新鮮的生菜與蕃茄, 營養均衡又健康. 香脆的薯條, 跟Burger 1885的一樣好吃! Garlilei Classic Burger - good quality beef burger with juicy beef patty. Together with lettuce, tomato and mustard, what a nutritious combination. Crunchy chips - as good as Burger 1885's.  http://pingpengpong.pixnet.net/blog/post/62679349/


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