勺勺客主打陝西菜, 大漠料理. 雖然我沒有去過陝西, 更沒有到過大漠, 所以無法評論勺勺客的料理是否道地, 但是它就是合我們的味兒, 真的很好吃! 勺勺客有許多熱炒類的菜餚, 適合一大群人去吃. 可惜這次只有一家人2大2小, 所以我們都點麵點. 下次一定要招三五好友去試試它的熱炒. 雙紅拉麵($160) - 牛骨湯底加上酸~酸~酸的醋味, 光喝湯就很讚! 牛肉燉的軟嫩, 入口即化, 非常優歐! Handmade Noodles Soup served with Beef and Duck's blood parcel - the broth was originated from beef bones, together with strong vinegar flavour. I loved the soup by its own! The beef was very tender that melted in my mouth.
酸湯餃($160) 跟雙紅拉麵一樣的湯頭, 鴨血配上十顆水餃, 餃子皮彈牙, 內餡是碎豬肉加青江菜, 不柴, 非常好吃. Dumpling in Beef and Duck's blood parcel Soup - the dumpling's filling was made of minced pork and minced Chinese vegetable which was moist and tasty.