三禾米粉湯位於台灣大學醫學院旁邊, 是台大校友二舅舅帶我們來的. 他說他吃了快30年, 每次回台灣都會特地來吃. 米粉湯 ($25) - 粗粗的米粉, 令我驚訝的是它並不會過軟, 反而留有QQ的咬勁.白色的湯頭, 帶點甜味, 因它包含了所有小菜的精華, 像是肉類, 蔬菜, 油豆腐, 菜卷等等. 吃之前再撒上白胡椒. 很有味道歐! Rice Noodle Soup is one of the traditional Taiwanese street food. During the old times, farmers tend to eat them for breakfast as it is more filling. This eatery has been up and running for over 40 years. You can order over 20 types of side dishes such as vegetables, pork (different parts), tofu and seafood.
綜合切盤 - 有豬肝連 ($40), 豬心($50)以及油豆腐($20) - 好吃沒有腥味, 沾上自家製的辣椒醬有錦上添花的功效. We ordered pork, pork heart and tofu. Pork and heart were tender. Eating with their homemade chilli sauce is a plus.
菜卷 - 好吃的手工菜, 可惜今次似乎燙太久, 高麗菜與肉解體了! 賣相不加, 不過味道還是跟以往一樣好. Cabbage Meat Rolls - unfortunately the cabbage meat rolls had fallen apart this time. However, it still tasted as nice as before.