KGB 代表 Kiwi Gourmet Burgers, 是以來自紐西蘭的老闆作為賣點. 位於師大商圈, 十分熱鬧. 用餐當天是週末的晚餐, 不到六點鐘就坐滿了. 點好餐後心裡滿是期望. KGB 經典漢堡 ($240) - 牛肉漢堡肉餡煎的適中, 不算太老. 加了培根, 卻讓漢堡的口感變硬了. 加了些許切碎的香草麵包, 吃起來有一點香味. 不過整體來說它的味道一般, 沒有令人驚喜的感覺, 除了漢堡, 可以選擇薯條或者沙拉作為配菜. 這兒的薯條像是超市賣的冷凍薯條, 就算是剛炸好, 還是吃起來鬆鬆的. 另我跟大碗公失望. 還是我先前推薦過, 位於東區微風廣場的Burger 1885值得去. KGB stands for Kiwi Gourmet Burgers, situated in a small alley around National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) or 'Shi Da'. This popular eatery was full just before 6 pm on a Saturday evening. KGB offers over 15 kinds of burger. The KGB Classic - beef patty was tender and juicy. However, the rest of the burger was just average. Another disappointment was their fries - tasted like frozen food from supermarkets. Burger 1885's (near Breeze Centre) burgers and fries are way better than KGB's.



BBQ 漢堡加起司與培根 ($220) - 內含物跟經典漢堡一樣, 只是多了BBQ醬, 可惜BBQ醬的量過多, 味道太重, 蓋過其他的食材. BBQ Burger with Cheddar Cheese and Bacon - Pity that the overpowering BBQ sauce has taken over the taste of the rest of the ingredients. 



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