三味食堂位於萬華的貴陽街上, 不論平日或假日, 內用或外帶, 總有滿滿的人潮. 店員先生們的服務態度很好. 是間有台灣人情味與台灣口味的日本料理. 上菜的速度很快, 而實在的用料與親民的價格是它絡繹不絕的不二法則. 手握壽司(半份)$160 - 切得厚片的生魚片, 非常新鮮. 我覺得可以做2個nigiri食用. 上面淋上微甜的醬油, 雖然不道地, 但是新鮮的台式壽司我覺得也不錯歐. This Taiwanese style, Japanese cuisine eatery in Wanhua district is always packed with diners no matter when you go. The sashimi is always fresh with generous portion of every dishes. Friendliness of staff also wins my vote to visit this eatery again. Nigiri (half portion) - thickly sliced sashimi topped with slightly sweet soy sauce may not be authentic yet freshness means all.
鍋燒烏龍 $120 - 滿滿一鍋的鍋燒烏龍看似台式小火鍋, 不過底下的烏龍麵QQ的有嚼勁, 清甜的湯頭, 沒有味精, 喝了也放心. Nabeyaki Udon - I liked its chewy undon with non-MSG soup base.
炒烏龍 $120 - 烏龍麵沾滿了不會過鹹的醬汁, 很台式的配料但是很好吃. Stir Fried Udon - a very Taiwanese dish yet very tasty.