某日心血來潮到宜蘭頭城的蘭陽博物館參觀, 滿足了心靈的薰陶, 肚子怎能不照顧呢? 首先到了無招牌的麻醬麵蛤蠣湯小吃店, 生意很好, 座無虛席. 去之前在網路上看到很多關於它的文章, 或許是期望過高, 吃了以後很失望. 我只推薦麻醬麵, 香濃的芝麻香味與鹹味適中的醬汁好吃, 不過胃口不算大的我也要吃大碗($70)才會飽, 只能說這碗沒有配料卻要$70的麵店賺很多. 甜點的阿宗芋冰城在同一條路上, 一樣也是生意很好, 它傳統的口味相較之下好吃多了. 芋頭跟紅豆口味都不錯. There are limited choice in terms of food around Lanyang Museum in Yilan. We visited a couple of local eateries after our visit to the museum. I would not recommend the noodle store as it has been over-rated. However, the traditional ice-cream store along the same road is on the favour side. I heart the red bean and taro flavours.
扁食 - 瘦瘦小小乾乾的扁食與過多的味精, 非常失望