法米法式甜點與誠品綠園道相鄰, 面對ㄧ片綠意盎然的公園, 法米的用餐環境舒適, 二樓的落地窗一眼望去即是綠園道的草皮. 溫暖的陽光灑進店家, 吃著甜點心情頓時變好摟. 精緻的手工小點與咖啡非常適合在下午茶時段享用. La Famille Bakery literally facing Taichung's Parkland. It serves quality gelato, hand made pasteries and coffee. It is a great place for afternoon tea before or after your stroll along the Parklane.
季節性的草莓千層酥 - 一層又一層的酥皮有濃濃的牛油香氣, Custard還看的到小小的香草籽, 很有水準歐! Seasonal Strawberry Napoleon with crusty and strong buttery aroma. Custard is full of vanilla pods. I highly recommend this cake!