台北喜來登大飯店內有許多出名的餐廳, 這回來到港式餐廳 - 辰園用餐, 顧客服務, 餐廳裝潢都優, 港式點心更不含糊, 道道都在水準之上. 叉燒酥 - 又香又酥, 非常滿意這道點心! Sheraton Grande Hotel is conviently located next to Shandao Temple MRT Staion. It is known for its famous restaurants serving different types of cuisine including International Buffet, Cantonese, Italian, Japanese and Thai. We visit their Dragon Cantonese restaurant located on the basement floor. Great service, good atmosphere and of course above standard dim sum dishes. Baked BBQ Pork Pastry - a big fan of this dish as I always order it when I visit any Cantonese resturants. Crispy pastry and tasty fillings that I would recommend to all.


煎蘿蔔糕 - 招牌菜之一, 臘味港式蘿蔔糕, 好吃大推薦! Pan Fried Carrot Cake - this aromatic savory dish is crispy on the outside.  


鮮蝦腐皮卷 - 我很喜歡這道點心, 脆脆的腐皮與鮮甜的蝦, 非常美味歐. Fried Bean curd roll with Prawns - crispy bean curd and sweet prawns marked a triump to this dish!


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