和年輕表姐相約來到日光大道健康廚坊新生店吃brunch, 店內除了餐點還有很多書讓食客看, 一旁的小書店透過窗外灑進的陽光讓人忍不住多待一會兒. 在前晚大吃一頓後, 吃不下brunch, 只有喝茶, 看年輕表姐享用. 樂活早餐A餐 ($160) - 每日精選麵包, 手工抹醬, 蔬果杯及一杯飲品. 年輕表姐說兩種麵包都好好吃. 黑芝麻麵包的香氣十足, 而白麵包吃起來很有彈性與嚼勁. Sonnentor Cafe offers relaxing atmosphere as soon as you step into the door. Wide selection of books available for you to enjoy. There is also a small book store attached to the cafe. Daily breakfast include bread, dipping sauce, salad and choice of drink. The bread was tasty and chewy.
抹茶豆漿 - 年輕表姐形容它的抹茶味道淡, 被香濃的豆漿味蓋過. Green Tea Soy Milk - Can not really taste green tea yet the froth of soy milk made this drink very aromatic.
陽光小鎮 - 帶有檸檬香氣的有機花草茶, 附贈自製的小餅乾. Herbal tea