打著台灣人的早午茶的名號- 豐盛號炭烤土司, 位於捷運士林站超級小的巷弄裡, 週六早上八點半不到, 門口已經排了十個人, 內用外帶都是排同一行,  幸好排前面的食客有不少是外帶, 小小的店只有四張桌子, 等了30分鐘, 終於輪到我們, 心裡超級期待. 這回是第一次吃炭烤土司, 也對豐盛號如此的高人氣十分感興趣. 我們決定甜的鹹的都點, 試試它究竟有多厲害. 等了約10分鐘,  炭烤土司終於一一上桌, 招牌 - 豐盛三明治有三片來自墾丁的鮮奶土司, 包了蛋, 蕃茄, cheese, 馬鈴薯泥, 加了美乃滋的高麗菜絲, 薄薄的花生醬, 以及超級軟嫩的里肌肉. 真的非常豐盛好吃, 我們對它都讚不絕口. Full House specialised in Taiwanese stlye grilled sandwich located near Shilin MRT station. We arrived just before 8:30am on a Saturday morning and it was already queued up on the tiny little alley. Sandwich Combo - fillings include egg, tomato, mash, thinly sliced cabbage with mayo, peanut butter and super tender pork loin. No wonder why it is its signature dish here as it was really tasty.  


肉蛋起司 $55 - 由於只有三種配料, 更吃得出炭烤土司的香味. Pork loin, egg and cheese sandwich - the lightly grilled toast was crusty and tasty.


土豆粉 $45 - 老闆自製自磨的花生粉, 吃得到花生的顆粒, 香氣撲鼻, 不會過甜.  Peanut butter grilled sandwich - homemade peanut butter was so aromatic and cruncy. You got to give it a try!


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