四代同堂的家庭聚會來到木柵, 木新路上的成家小館. 人多就可以點很多菜, 實在是太期待了! 菜單一打開見到至少有100道菜餚可以選擇. 今天就請地主小阿姨點菜吧! 光是小菜就有多樣選擇. This eatery is known for its Northeast Sour Cabbage and Pork Hot Pot since 1986. Besides hot pot, they also offer over 100 dishes from the menu. A variety of cold dishes for you to choose from.
青辣椒鑲肉 - 是小菜類中最好吃的一道. 青辣椒不辣, 豬肉碎咬起來不會柴, 很香很好吃. Green Pepper filled with Minced Pork - my favourite cold dish of the day. The mince was juicy yet the green pepper was not spicy. Great combination!
豆皮捲銀芽 - 彈牙的豆皮包著脆脆的豆芽菜, 清淡爽口, 一下子就盤底朝天了. Fried Tofu Skin wrapped with Bean Sprouts - a tasty cold dish that is crunchy and chewy.