在綿綿秋雨的傍晚來到89 活海產, 共有2個店面相隔合江街. 其中一個店內已經坐滿了食客, 還坐到騎樓ㄟ, 不畏雨水與涼風, 不惜ㄧ切為了美食, 佩服配服. 我們坐在仍然空空的另一店面, 騎樓是老闆和老闆娘掌廚的地方. 還有魚缸內活躍的魚, 花蟹及地王蟹. 隨意吃到飽的滷肉飯, 油蔥跟豬五花搭配的很優. 偏油膩, 但是油的好吃.   

Arrived 89 Fresh Seafood Restaurant in an early evening on a wet day. 1 shopfront was already full with diners. Their kitchen is located at the arcade so you can see all the hustle and bustle happening. All you can eat Braised Pork Rice (garlic with pork belly) was a great start of the evening. A little bit on the oily side, but what a wonderful combo!


炸透抽 - 我的首選. 在點菜的時候才看到廚師川燙, 再切成細塊. 絕對不是像外面冷凍的炸花枝圈. 沾上胡椒鹽, 香味撲鼻. 厲害的是它冷了都還好吃歐. 

Deep Fried Squid - my top pick of the night. Differ to the frozen calamari rings, it even tasted good when cold. 


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