在綿綿秋雨的傍晚來到89 活海產, 共有2個店面相隔合江街. 其中一個店內已經坐滿了食客, 還坐到騎樓ㄟ, 不畏雨水與涼風, 不惜ㄧ切為了美食, 佩服配服. 我們坐在仍然空空的另一店面, 騎樓是老闆和老闆娘掌廚的地方. 還有魚缸內活躍的魚, 花蟹及地王蟹. 隨意吃到飽的滷肉飯, 油蔥跟豬五花搭配的很優. 偏油膩, 但是油的好吃.
Arrived 89 Fresh Seafood Restaurant in an early evening on a wet day. 1 shopfront was already full with diners. Their kitchen is located at the arcade so you can see all the hustle and bustle happening. All you can eat Braised Pork Rice (garlic with pork belly) was a great start of the evening. A little bit on the oily side, but what a wonderful combo!
炸透抽 - 我的首選. 在點菜的時候才看到廚師川燙, 再切成細塊. 絕對不是像外面冷凍的炸花枝圈. 沾上胡椒鹽, 香味撲鼻. 厲害的是它冷了都還好吃歐.
Deep Fried Squid - my top pick of the night. Differ to the frozen calamari rings, it even tasted good when cold.
沙茶牛肉炒空心菜有微微的辣椒. 沙茶有入味, 但是說不上來, 總覺得缺少了某些味道. 還是金春發的比較美味 (容我下回介紹吧)
Stirred Fried Satay Beef with Morning Glory with a small dash of chilli. Strong flavour but still felt something was missing.
清蒸魚 - 不確定這是什麼魚, 有紅色的魚皮, 魚骨不多, 魚肉非常的嫩, 很適合小朋友吃.
Steamed Fish (red skinned) - not sure what type of fish it was. Texture was very smooth and tasty. Suitable for children as not many fish bones noted.
魚湯 - 是上面紅魚的頭跟尾煮成的. 加上蚵蠣, 嫩薑絲, 和蔥段. 沒有過多的調味, 不加味精, 聞得到大海的味道.
Fish Soup - cooked with the red fish's head and tail. Together with clamps, young ginger slices and shallots. Very fresh and aromatic. We all enjoyed the soup very much.
清蒸沙公 - 螃蟹的原味, 蟹肉很扎實, 非常鮮甜.
Steamed Crab - simple but fresh dish.
麻油腰子有濃濃的米酒及麻油香, 腰子煮的軟軟嫩嫩地, 真想自己準備一些麵線, 好變成麻油麵線.
Pig Kidney in Sesame Oil - very strong aroma of rice wine and sesame oil. The kidney was very tender. Great choice in winter time.
豆薣蚵 - 外頭裹上太白粉再川燙, 蚵仔肥美, 淋上的醬油膏跟青蔥有為它加分歐!
Broiled Bean Paste Oysters - coated with corn flour before being broiled. Topped with soy sauce and shallots..very sweet!
一桌下來$5,000有找, 大家吃的很滿足. 89活海產有強烈的台灣味. 老闆娘忙著掌廚但一直面帶微笑應對客人, 覺得是個有人情味的餐廳. 對了, 還可以在這兒手拿著活跳跳的帝王蟹合照歐!我沒有機會照, 因為麵帥害怕一直拉著我往外走.
Total bill was under $5,000. 89 Fresh Seafood does not have beautiful deco but the atmosphere here has strong Taiwanese culture.
(02) 2501-2627
from 5pm daily