剛剛慶祝一週年的華泰瑞苑是蔣公行館的前身, 館內還有保留許多將公行館的文物, 與墾丁國家森林遊樂區, 大尖山相鄰, 遠遠眺望墾丁的海景, 一入住即有放鬆的感覺. 房間共有60間, 我們選在10月雙十連假前的平日入住, 住客很少, 沒有吵雜的聲音, 泳池也只有我們一家在享受日光浴, 感覺非常幸福. 這回入住的經典套房是塌塌米房, 我們一家四口住剛剛好, 房間不大, 但是大大的窗外即可看到大尖山, 視野極佳. 房價包含晚餐與次日早餐. 晚餐可算是我們在台灣的飯店用過最精緻最美味的. 可惜餐廳的燈光太昏暗, 無法一一照相跟大家分享, 那麼就請自己去嚐嚐吧! 早餐可選在室內或靠泳池的室外用餐, 海岸與大尖山的美景就在眼前. 早餐十分精緻又健康. 清晨有飯店巴士接送至社頂公園賞鷹, 晚上可到飯店的頂樓參加專人解說的觀星活動, 華泰瑞苑除了適合家庭旅遊,也適合情侶或是朋友出遊. Gloria Manor located at the foot of Dajianshan celebrating its 1st birthday in Oct 2013. Prior to its opening, it was named The Kenting House, being one of the favoured lodges of Chiang Kai-Shek. With 60 rooms, Gloria Manor offers secluded atmosphere as soon as you enter their door. Kenting National Forest Recreation Area and Sheding Nature Park are both a stone throw away from Gloria Manor. Free shuttle bus is available every morning to Sheding Nature Park for eagle viewings. With weather's permission, Gloria Manor also hosts star gazing activity at the roof top. It is a luxury accomodation serving greater clientele. The room rate include dinner and breakfast. I would have to say that the dinner here got to be one of the top hotel dinners I have dined in Taiwan. Pity that the restaurant was too dimmed to take picture of dishes.
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