在綿綿細雨的冬日週末來到青田七六, 彷彿進入時光隧道, 有懷舊的日式房屋及傢俱. 青田七六位於青田街七巷六號, 是屬於台北帝大(現在的台灣大學)日本籍教授集體開發興建的'大學住宅組合' 之一, 於1931年落成. 1945年起, 由接手台灣大學學者馬廷英教授入住, 直到2007年. 青田七六於2006年由台北市列為直轄市定古蹟, 命名'國立台灣大學日式宿舍-馬廷英故居'. 青田七六於2011年正式對外開放, 提供日式簡餐定食(午餐及晚餐)以及下午茶. 還提供導覽服務. This old Japanese style housing was bulit back in 1931 as part of the professors' dormitory for National Taiwan University. It has been the professor's residence until 2007. It was also listed as one of the Municipal Heritages of Taipei in 2006. It opened its door to the public in 2011 offering Japanese set menu (lunch and dinner) and afternoon tea. Guided tour is also available upon reservation.
炸豬排定食 - 每份定食均附鍋物, 白飯上的紫蘇梅好吃歐. 可惜炸豬排炸得太硬太老. Tonkatsu Set - all set meal comes with a mini hot pot. The plum on the rice was tasty. Pity that the tonkatsu was too hard.
和風雞腿定食 - 去骨雞腿肉有先煎過才加入teriyaki sauce. 可惜跟炸豬排一樣, 太老太硬. Teriyaki Chicken Thigh Set - Deboned chicken thigh was pan fried before the teriyaki sauce was added. As above, the chicken was overcooked and too hard to chew.