位於民權東路巷內的Bravo Grilled Burger 發福廚房創始店, 原本的店面非常小, 搬到斜對面重新開幕後, 我們再次造訪. 之前去過市民大道店, 但是對那兒態度惡劣的服務生們非常失望. 這回到總店, 希望發福廚房的職員訓練會好些, 嗯...有好一點點, 但是仍有待加強. 花生醬牛肉漢堡 - 招牌之一的花生醬牛肉漢堡有厚厚的花生醬, 加上碎培根, 好吃. Bravo Grilled Burger situated in a little alley on Ming Chuan East Road as its original stores. We were very dispoointed with their services at their Shi Ming Boulvard store few months ago. Decided to pay a visit at its ancestor store after renovation. I was hoping to receive better customer services though I was still disappointed. Bravo Burger really needs to pay more attention on their staff training to maintain its ongoing customers. Peanut Butter Beef Burger - Heavy peanut butter with fresh beef patty burger has been one of the popular dishes in Bravo. Nice, yet I still prefer Burger 1885's.


酪梨醬牛肉堡 - 新鮮酪梨擠入些微的檸檬汁, 佐生菜與牛肉片, 是注重健康的好選擇. Guacomole Beef Burger - Fresh avocado with a drizzle of lemon juice, fresh lettuce and beef patty. Great for someone who is more calory and health conscious.




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