位於民權東路巷內的Bravo Grilled Burger 發福廚房創始店, 原本的店面非常小, 搬到斜對面重新開幕後, 我們再次造訪. 之前去過市民大道店, 但是對那兒態度惡劣的服務生們非常失望. 這回到總店, 希望發福廚房的職員訓練會好些, 嗯...有好一點點, 但是仍有待加強. 花生醬牛肉漢堡 - 招牌之一的花生醬牛肉漢堡有厚厚的花生醬, 加上碎培根, 好吃. Bravo Grilled Burger situated in a little alley on Ming Chuan East Road as its original stores. We were very dispoointed with their services at their Shi Ming Boulvard store few months ago. Decided to pay a visit at its ancestor store after renovation. I was hoping to receive better customer services though I was still disappointed. Bravo Burger really needs to pay more attention on their staff training to maintain its ongoing customers. Peanut Butter Beef Burger - Heavy peanut butter with fresh beef patty burger has been one of the popular dishes in Bravo. Nice, yet I still prefer Burger 1885's.
酪梨醬牛肉堡 - 新鮮酪梨擠入些微的檸檬汁, 佐生菜與牛肉片, 是注重健康的好選擇. Guacomole Beef Burger - Fresh avocado with a drizzle of lemon juice, fresh lettuce and beef patty. Great for someone who is more calory and health conscious.
巨無霸牛肉堡 -雙片牛肉, double cheese 與脆脆的培根, 份量十足. Bacon Cheese and Double Patty - Huge burger
雞堡 - 另一健康的好選擇. 雞肉不會柴, 不過吃了花生醬牛肉漢堡後, 就覺得雞堡的味道過淡了. Chicken Burger - another healthy choice. The chicken was lightly grilled with a slice of cheese which tasted very tender.
綜合脆薯 - 等了好久好久的炸薯條, 每次詢問服務生炸薯條好了沒? 她們的回答總是'廚房在準備, 快了! '不過我們等它等了至少30分鐘. 炸一份薯條也不需要這麼久吧! Long waited chips (fries) - we waited over 30 minutes on this dish. A combination of wedges and french fries. Crunchy but doesn't worth the wait.
可以自取的酸瓜, 德國酸菜等. Condiments - saurkraut, pickles, gherkin and jalapeno. All you can eat.
台灣製的荔枝啤酒 Lychee Beer - MIT!
發福廚房的漢堡麵包吃起來QQ的, 很有彈性, 還有黑麥的香味. 至於漢堡內餡沒有特別的好吃. 我還是推薦微風廣場旁, 市民大道上的Burger 1885. Bravo Burger's bun has strong aroma of wheat. The bun itself was chewy and nice by its own. However, Bravo Burger's patty are nothing excited to mention about. Their customer service also needs more attention and training. I would still opt for Burger 1885 near Breeze Centre. http://pingpengpong.pixnet.net/blog/post/62679349/
Bravo Grilled Burger 發福廚房
02 27135923
open 7 days from 11:30am