Oporto Burger 發源於1986, 首間店開在雪梨的Bondi Beach, 主打葡萄牙風味的烤雞及雞肉漢堡, 所以它最有名的漢堡就叫做Bondi Burger. 已經成為澳洲本土的連鎖速食店, 在很多地方都看的到. Bondi Burger 中間有烤雞胸肉, cheese, 生菜, 美乃滋再加上辣勁十足的醬料, 每次吃都很過癮. 可是這回吃, 覺得辣醬的口味跟以前不一樣了, 究竟是我變了還是辣醬變了ㄋ? Oporto Burger opened its first door at Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia in 1986, focusing on Portuguese grilled chickens and chicken burgers. Now open for franchaise, you can locate Oporto Burgers in many places in Australia just like any other fast food chains. Its most famous burger is called Bondi Burger - made with a single fillet of grilled chicken breast, lettuce, cheese, mayo and of course its very own Oporto's chilli sauce. I have been a big fan of it in the first few years after university.
Potato Mash and Gravy
Spicy Chicken Bites - very tender bites.
Bondi Bites
We visited Oporto Burger at Neutral Bay, NSW
Oporto Burger
Search for a store near you: http://www.oporto.com.au/