位於東區的麻膳堂是我們一家常去的地方, 因為有麵有飯, 重口味, 淡口味在這兒都找得到, 算是滿足大家的喜好. 另一大優點就是good location, 走幾步路就是地下停車場, 吃太飽或是天氣好還可以到對面的國父紀念館散步, 是個方便的選擇. 我每來必點的麻辣牛肉麵 / 麻辣豬肉麵 - 帶有花椒的湯頭, 辣的過癮, 加上川燙豆芽, 鴨血, 豆皮, 牛肉片, 冬天吃真的是大呼過癮! 不過它的牛肉以及豬肉片有點太硬, 是因為煮太久還是片的太厚, 就不得而知了.
We have been a regular of this eatery due to various reasons. They offer extensive choice of dishes - noodle or rice; spicy or mild; soup or dried. Another plus point would be its loaction with easy access to underground carpark. You can also visit CKS Memorial Hall which is just across the road. My top pick - Hot and Spicy Beef (or Pork) Noodle Soup has very nice broth with a hint of spices. Bean sprout, bean curd and duck blood jelly are also added into the dish. Very filling especially in winter time. The meat slices (both beef and pork) are on the chewy side though. A point of improvement for sure.
清燉牛肉麵 - 牛肉選用的部位和麻辣牛肉麵不同, 是軟軟嫩嫩的牛腱. 入口即化, 很好吃. 湯頭一般, 可能是已經被麻辣牛肉湯辣到麻痹了. 哈哈