平成十九於2007年開張, 招牌上印著 'Sakana Ryori' 魚料理, 菜單上一半是生食, 一半是熟食, 大部份都以魚料理為主. 平成十九內的燈光暗暗的, 好像是日本的小酒館. 點餐的方式很有趣, 就像在日本常見的拉麵店一樣. 選好餐後, 到門旁邊的販賣機按下要點的餐, 再投入錢, 就會吐出一張收據. 把收據交給服務生, 就可以瞜! 蔥花鮪魚丼 ($180) - 招牌人氣之一的蔥花鮪魚丼非常好吃. 服務生說鮪魚是廚師當天一早處理的, 所以完全沒有腥味. 大碗公邊吃邊點頭. 下次來或許要試試加大版. This Japanese eatery opened its door since 2007. It's conveniently located near Zhongshan Metro Station (exit 1). Known for its fish dishes covering sashimi donburi and grilled fish. A very interesting way to order your food - order the dishes using a vending maching by the door. Insert the money and pass the receipt to waiter/waitress once it's paid...just like what you can find in lots of ramen places in Japan! Negitoro - freshly prepared negitoro was so tasty that I wanted a second serve. Steps on how to serve the food: 1. mix wasabi with soy sauce in a small plate. 2. Pour the mixed soy sauce with wasabi over negitoro. 3. Mix egg yolk and toro with the sauce. 4. Be reminded not to mix with steam rice at the bottom as it would ruin the sweetness of toro.




刺身丼 ($190) - 一共有五種海鮮的刺身丼均非常新鮮. 鐵牛嫂說跟'築地鮮魚'旗鼓相當! Maguro, Saamon, Hamachi, Tai, Ika - fresh seafood means all. 


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