台北喜來登大飯店內有許多來自不同國家的餐廳, 這回來到Sukhothai, 餐點幾乎樣樣都道地, 好吃又下飯. 裝潢與佈置也很有泰國風, 是一間值得推薦的泰國餐廳. 青木瓜沙拉 - 現點現做的沙拉非常的酸, 吃時要有心理準備歐! Sheraton Grand Taipei offers various cusines in one spot. Sukhothai serves authentic Thai dishes with strong Thai setting and ambience. Papaya Salad - freshly made salad was very sour....be prepared.
月亮蝦餅 - 厚厚的新鮮蝦仁與甜辣味的醬十分搭. 冷了也好吃. 順帶一提, 月亮蝦餅是由中國人發明而發揚光大, 在泰國不會出現. 所以請不要在泰國旅遊時尋找這道菜歐. Fried Prawn Cake - originated by Chinese (as you can not locate this dish in Thailand), deep fried fresh and thick prawn patty was very sweet and crispy.
紅咖喱 - 幾乎每桌都點的招牌菜, 使用蒸熟的南瓜當容器, 一起吃也好吃. Red Curry - one of the popular dishes as almost every table ordered one. Steamed pumpkin is also edible. Surprisingly it went well with red curry.