開業近50年的彰化'夜市爌肉飯'千萬別被它的名字騙了, 若到了入夜再去吃, 包準你吃不到. 因為這家'夜市爌肉飯'下午三點開門, 賣到傍晚賣完就關門, 往往到了五點就吃不到了. 我們大夥兒在下午三點門一開即找了張桌子等老闆老闆娘張羅準備, 撲鼻的香氣讓我不停地吞口水. 我真的沒有誇大, 我ㄧ直不停地吞口水並眼巴巴的望著忙碌的老闆老闆娘, 希望可以快點將我們點的菜送上. 爌肉乾麵加點滷蛋- 這家'夜市爌肉飯'厲害的就是它的滷汁了, 不會過鹹或過甜, 味道剛剛好. 爌肉超級Q嫩, 先咬一口豬皮的部分, 完全沒有油膩感, 連皮帶肥肉瘦肉一口咬下, 心理不由得感嘆'怎麼到現在才吃到這麼厲害的爌肉啊!?真的是相見恨晚! 豐富的膠質把雙唇黏住, 就像護唇膏一樣. 'ChangHua's 'Night Market Pork Belly with Rice' has been up and running for almost 50 years. Don't get fooled by its name as it opens its door at 3 pm and close until sold (though normally all food would be gone by 5pm). It is probably the best Taiwanese pork belly rice I've ever had. The moist, collagen rich pork is so tasty that I can have it everyday (oh well, maybe Monday to Friday, every week). We also ordered chicken drumstick (limited) and eggs though my favourite was still the pork belly.
雞腿飯 - 雞腿是限量的歐