うなぎ 二葉 Unagi Futaba 是一間鰻魚飯的專門店. 松野家族從昭和23年開業至今, 已經傳承到第三代. 我們趁著三月底來到還在下雪的北海道-札幌(Sapporo)自由行, 出發前先找了一些出現在Michelin Guide Hokkaido 2012中推薦的餐廳. 選中了うなぎ 二葉. 它距離地下鐵站すすきの(Susukino/薄野)不到10分鐘, 當天雖是晴空萬里, 但是氣溫只有1度, 路旁的雪還沒有融化, 一進入溫暖的餐廳, 坐上tatami, 喝杯熱茶, 身體才暖和起來. 打開菜單一看, 名符其實的鰻魚飯專門店, 新鮮鰻魚還活跳跳的在廚房, 不費多久的時間變成食客的桌上物. 他們只賣鰻魚, menu上找不到其他的餐點. 於是我們點了うな丼(Unadon)以及うな重(Unaju). 均附上味噌汁、漬物. うな丼 (JPY1,890) - 超厚實的鰻魚肉外面烤的微焦, 一咬下去魚肉非常的軟嫩. 油脂立即化開, 下面鋪上好吃的日本米與醬汁, 是我吃過最肥美的鰻魚飯. 美中不足的是鰻魚有一些細小的魚刺, 飯Q以及麵帥不愛. Unagi Futaba is listed on Michelin Guide Hokkaido 2012 as on of the best Japanese eel (うなぎ) restaurants in Sapporo. It has been up and running for 3 generations and I really appreciate the dedication they have put into their family business. Less than 10 minutes walk from Susukino underground station, Unagi Futaba only serves grilled eel with rice in various ways. We ordered a うな丼 (Unadon) for the boys to share. The set meal comes with miso shiru (miso soup) and tsukemono (pickled vegetables). The eel was lightly brown on the outside yet the fish meat was moist and juicy. I have never tasted such Unagi that was so rich in fish oil and tender of the fish meat.
うな重 梅 (JPY2,500)- 雙倍的鰻魚讓我們吃的非常過癮. 我跟大碗公一人點一份, 份量太多. 我應點うな丼就好了. 人還是別太貪心啊! Unaju Ume - doubling the portion of eel on top of tasty Japanese rice. I couldn't finish the whole serving on my own.
三層樓的新穎建築, 室內採十分日式ㄅㄜ裝潢, 有tatami區以及一般的桌椅. 用餐區在一, 二樓. 坐在一樓還可直接看到師傅烤鰻魚歐! The dining area covers ground and first floor. Seating area comprise of tatami with tables and chairs. You can see all the happenings on the groud floor where the chefs are.