蘇杭點心店位於羅斯福路二段(國語日報大樓旁), 從1967年開業至今, 多元化的麵食及小菜讓它的生意一直都很好. 在週末的中午來到這兒, 才剛過12點, 店已經坐滿了. 記得要先在門口的櫃檯點餐, 蘇杭的阿姨才會告訴你可以坐哪一桌. 直接衝進去找位置坐, 會被罵歐! 蝦仁蒸餃 - 彈牙甜美的蝦肉與豬絞肉, 配上嫩薑, 鮮甜的沒話說. 真是太好的享受摟! You can not miss this place if you are a big fan of Chinese dumpling or noodles. Remember to order at the counter first so the cashier can allocate a table for you. It opened its door since 1967 and has been popular since. Steamed Prawn Dumpling - fresh and sweet prawns mixed with pork mince. I liked it very much with plenty of young ginger!
小籠包 - 皮薄, 美味肉汁不流失的小籠包是麵Q的最愛, 一個人吃了6個! Xiao Long Bao - thin skin with juicy pork mince marked a very successful Xiao Long Bao.
菜肉蒸餃 - 菜肉的比例剛好, 不會柴, 比鼎泰豐還要好吃. Steamed Green Vegetable and Pork Dumpling - juicy dumplings that tasted better than Din Tai Fung's!