金唐海鮮酒家位於雪梨的唐人街, 歷史悠久, 屹立不搖已超過20載. 有機會來到雪梨玩的朋友一定要找間道地的港式海鮮餐廳, 吃吃正宗香港廚師料理的海鮮及廣東菜, 一定不會讓你失望. 椒鹽龍蝦 - 好香好濃的椒鹽香, 配上新鮮現抓的龍蝦 (約1.3kg), 龍蝦的肉非常非常的甜美, 椒鹽味不搶龍蝦的風采, 反而和它形成十分協調的一道佳餚. Golden Century Seafood Restaurant situated in Sydney's Chinatown for over 20 years. Pepper Salted Lobster - Freshly caught lobster lightly fried and covered in pepper salted seasoning. The lobster was very sweet and tasty that I highly recommend anyone who is in Chinatown for a meal.
京都肉排 - 現炸肉排再裹上微酸的甜酸醬, 軟嫩的帶骨里肌肉味道適中, 一口接著一口停不了. Peking Pork Chops - tangy sweet and sour sauce with tender and juicy pork chops. Excellent flavour!
炒伊麵 - 到港式餐廳必點的炒伊麵是我期待已久的麵, 可惜麵條炒的太久, 過軟, 味道也太淡, 廚師基本功沒有練好誒. Stir Fried Yi Mein - big disappointed as the yi mein was overcooked and the flavour overall was very bland.
牛筋牛腩煲 - 牛筋非常的Q, 膠質豐厚又帶有淡淡的醬油香, 養顏美容真好吃. 整鍋非常下飯, 很順口. 牛腩有點過柴, 是小敗筆. Stewed Beef Tendon and Brisket in Casserole - rich in collegen's tender beef tendon was soft yet not oily. Unfortunately beef brisket was bit chewy and dry.
鴛鴦飯 - 沒有出現在menu上的鴛鴦飯是大碗公堅持要點的一道. 原因是在他年少輕狂的時期,他會半夜三點跟朋友特地開車到唐人街點上一盤鴛鴦飯. 這回再吃, 回憶滿滿湧上心頭啊! 紅色的那一半是雞肉片炒洋蔥和蕃茄, 有番茄的香味. 白色的那一半是豐富的海鮮, 包括青豆, 魚片, 蝦仁及花枝, 吃起來有淡淡的牛油味. 紅白兩色淋在炒飯上, 是一道多樣化, 可三吃的好味道 - 紅白醬分開吃, 或是紅白醬一起吃. 奇妙的是, 怎麼吃都好吃! Yuan Yang Fried Rice - fried rice topped with two sauces - tomato sauce based with chicken slices and onions. White sauce is completed with peas and fresh seafood including fish fillets, prawns and squids. This dish is off the menu but you can just request it with the waiter. Three ways to enjoy the dish and surprisingly they all tasted wonderful.
招待的甜品, 不會過甜, 好吃! - Complimentary sweets
Golden Century Seafood Restaurant 金唐海鮮酒家
393-399 Sussex Street, Haymarket NSW 2000 Australia
+612 9212 3901
open 7 days from 12 noon to 4am