四代同堂的家庭聚會來到木柵, 木新路上的成家小館. 人多就可以點很多菜, 實在是太期待了! 菜單一打開見到至少有100道菜餚可以選擇. 今天就請地主小阿姨點菜吧! 光是小菜就有多樣選擇. This eatery is known for its Northeast Sour Cabbage and Pork Hot Pot since 1986. Besides hot pot, they also offer over 100 dishes from the menu. A variety of cold dishes for you to choose from.
青辣椒鑲肉 - 是小菜類中最好吃的一道. 青辣椒不辣, 豬肉碎咬起來不會柴, 很香很好吃. Green Pepper filled with Minced Pork - my favourite cold dish of the day. The mince was juicy yet the green pepper was not spicy. Great combination!
豆皮捲銀芽 - 彈牙的豆皮包著脆脆的豆芽菜, 清淡爽口, 一下子就盤底朝天了. Fried Tofu Skin wrapped with Bean Sprouts - a tasty cold dish that is crunchy and chewy.
鹹蛋南瓜 - 甜甜鹹鹹的冷盤, 口味適中, 誰也沒搶了誰的風頭. 味道真不賴. Pumpkin with Salted Duck Egg - a good combination of sweetness and saltyness flavour.
小菜介紹完了, 該主菜上場了! 賽螃蟹 ($360) - 賽螃蟹可不是螃蟹肉歐! 其實它是鱈魚加上蛋白的一道料理. 上面放一顆生蛋, 上桌後馬上攪拌就可以吃了. 非常軟嫩可口, 更適合牙齒不好的老人或是小朋友. Here comes the main dish - this dish has a very interesting name - Crab Race. Well, it contains no crab at all! Actually it's cod with egg white. The texture is very soft and light. Suitable for all but especially for someone with bad teeth!
成家小炒 - 和客家小炒有異曲同工之妙. 好好吃! Stirred Fried Squid, Pork with Garlic Sprouts - it is similar to Hakka Stirred Fried. It was a very aromatic fish.
鹹蛋豆腐 ($200) - 鹹蛋配上雞蛋豆腐很好吃, 直接吃也不覺得太鹹的一道菜. Tofu with Salted Duck Egg - this dish was very tasty and aromatic. I thought the salted duck egg would overtaken tofu's flavour. Though overall, the dish was mild.
東坡肉 ($320) - 一大盅的東坡肉煮得不夠久, 沒有入味, 肉切開中間還是白色的. 真是可惜. Dong Pou Pork - Pity that the pork was not cooked long enough as the flavour was bit blend.
鮮蚵油條 ($200) - 軟軟的鮮蚵加上脆脆的油條, 口感吃起來相當有趣. 鮮蚵吃起來不會腥, 配上姜蔥一起吃, 好吃. Baby Oysters with fried Youtiao - The fresh baby oysters together with crunchy fried youtiao was an very interesting combination but surprisingly it was tasty.
海鮮豆腐煲 ($200) - 勾芡後的海鮮豆腐煲吃起來像羹湯. 口味一般. Seafood with Tofu - it was light but quite normal.
泡菜牛肉絲 ($200) - 泡菜看起來不多, 但是它真的好酸啊! 二阿姨說, 把它打包回家, 加高湯, 煮湯麵會比較順口. Sour Cabbage with Beef - it was very sour that we decided to take it home and invented a new noodle dish by our own.
東北酸菜白肉鍋 ($880, 小份) - 成家小館另一主角, 每桌都點的酸菜白肉鍋湯頭夠酸, 但喝得順口, 一點也不油膩. Northeast Sour Cabbage and Pork Hot Pot - It was so popular that every table ordered this dish .The broth was sour from the sour cabbage yet still very easy to drink. It was healthy and not greasy.
豐富的配料. 這只是小份的歐! Variety of sides that comes with the hot pot.
肉丸子和酸白菜 - 豬絞肉炸過的肉丸子只要稍稍煮熱, 就可以吃了. 煮太久, 丸子變軟, 味道就不佳了. 酸白菜是讓大家吃第二輪時可以再入鍋. Fried Meat Balls and Sour Cabbages - minced pork meat balls are just nice when you cook it in the hot pot for a short period of time so it is still crunchy outside.
帶皮的豬肉片, 非常有嚼勁. 不過我還是喜歡它去皮誒. Pork slices with skin - it tasted very chewy with the skin on. I still prefer to remove the skin.
成家小館面積不算大, 只能容納7~8張10人坐的桌子. 不過它的確是間好口味的小店. 下回要試試它的炸銀絲卷, 隔壁桌吃得咖茲咖茲響哩!
台北市文山區木新路3段154號 (創始店)
open 7 days for lunch and dinner