Hello! Sydney, Australia! 五年不見, 你好嗎? 下了飛機直達Chatswood的Sah的家(也是我的娘家), 生活機能十分方便的Chatswood越來越熱鬧瞜. 在飛機上睡覺睡得不穩, 更迫切的想要享受美食. 來到新上海吃麵食. 已經快下午1:30, 還是排了不少人. 對了, 因為在澳洲用午餐的時間通常都從下午1點開始. 生煎包的外皮酥脆, QQ的有彈性. 一咬下去肉汁就噴出來了! 外面再撒上黑芝麻真有畫龍點睛的效果. We took an overnight flight via my fav airport - Changi Airport, Singapore to Sydney Australia on a sunny day in summer. Clear blue sky and warm sun (ie. high UV) are the best welcoming kit that I can ask for. Took the cab to Chatswood where Sah resides in her university life. What a bachloretee life she is living with! Chatswood is conviently located with all the amenties. We went to New Shanghai striaght after we dropped off the luggages at Sah's place. I was totally forgotten that Australians tend to have lunch from 1pm (apart from noon in Taiwan) as New Shanghai was very packed when we arrived at 1:30pm. Pan Fried Pork Bun - got to be my favourite dish there. Crunchy outside made a good combination with juicy and tender pork inside. Black sesame also made the dish more aromatic.
煎餃 - 和生煎包一樣好吃, 底部脆脆的大餃子十分受大家歡迎. Pan Fried Dumpling - my number 2 of the day. Crunchy dumpling tasted as good as the pan fried pork bun.
揚州炒飯 - 油亮亮的炒飯是為飯帥而點的. 味道一般. Combination Fried Rice - hmm.. on the oily side. I think I can do a better job than this.
炸醬面 - 賣像不錯, 手工麵條很Q, 整體吃起來十分爽口. 不過大碗公覺得味道過淡. Dried Noodle with Pork Mince - chewy handmade noodle with light pork mince sauce was a healthy choice for the day.
小籠包 - 內餡味道不錯, 但是小籠包的皮過厚, 導致口感一般, 有些可惜. Xiao Long Bao - the filling was tasty and juicy. Unfortunately the skin was too thick that differ from the proper ones.
鮮蝦雲吞湯 - 蝦雲吞十分鮮美, 不過湯的味精太多了, 廚師不小心打翻味精罐了吧. Prawn Wonton Soup - prawn wonton was very sweet and fresh. Pity that the chef added too much MSG in the soup. I would go for dried wonton if I visit New Shanghai again.
XO醬炒年糕 - 微辣的炒年糕彈口不粘牙, 可惜太鹹了, 大家吃得很客氣. 只見鐵牛嫂要堅持點它的Sah負責, 把它吃完. 不過若全部吃光光, Sah的頭髮也會掉光光吧. Stir Fried Nian Gao with XO Sauce - lightly spiced nian gao was chewy. However, it was too salty that became unpopular amoung us.
一桌吃下來一共澳幣60元(約台幣1,800元)(匯率以2012年2月為準), 誰叫澳洲的物價本來就比台灣高ㄋ. The bill was AUD60 which was pretty reasonable for 4 adults and 2 children.
New Shanghai 在雪梨有五間店. 還有商業午餐可供選擇. There are 5 outlets in Sydney. Weekdays lunch special is also available.
New Shanghai
Shop 20, 427 - 441 Victoria Ave, Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia
+61 2 9415 3536
Open 7 days for lunch and dinner