十月初台北阪急百貨B2開了來自東京的三田製麵所. 主要賣的是沾麵. 也有賣拉麵. 湯頭有原味和辣味可選. 曾經去過2次都因為排隊太長而放棄, 這回可是有備而來, 等阪急的店門11點開張, 我們就衝進去, 還搶了頭香!哈!

Tokyo Mita opened its first Taipei branch at Hankyu Department Store in early Oct. They specialise in tsukemen (dipping ramen) with 2 types of dipping broth - mild or spicy flavours. We finally made it at our 3rd attempt as we waited for its door to open at 11am.



11 am right after the door opened


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