胡志明市內的五星級‘洲際酒店’ InterContinental Asian Saigon, 二樓的Yu Cho有知名的港式飲茶吃到飽. 午餐的價位為388,000VDN++(須再加服務費與稅金), 晚餐的價位為498,000VDN++, 有38種港式點心任你吃, 很多道點心都是在水準之上. 用餐環境舒適高級, 非常推薦想暫時與喧鬧的胡志明市隔離一陣子的食客朋友們. 咸水餃 - 外皮炸得酥脆, 不會過硬. Yu Cho Cantonese Restaurant is loacted on the first floor of InterContinental Asian Saigon in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Yu Cho offers daily all you can eat dim sum at 388,000VDN++ and 498,000++ for lunch and dinner respectively. It offers good dim sum with excellent service and deco. A great place to dine if you want to step away from the hectic HCM City traffic. 

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