玉喜飯店位於忠孝東路4段黃金地帶, 跟忠孝微風同一邊, 因為餐廳在樓上, 經過非常多次都不敢去嘗試, 吃了之後才知道玉喜的港式飲茶點心樣樣新鮮好吃, 台菜道地, 66道菜, 任選5樣$420, 價格親民. 鮮蝦腸粉 - 新鮮蝦子與蒸的剛剛好的腸粉皮, 很優的點心. Yu Shi Restaurant is loacted at the prime location of Zhong Xiao East Road. Serving Cantonese dim sum and Taiwanese local dishes. 66 types of dishes for your selection - 5 dishes at $420. Quality food and reasonably priced menu won't disappointed you. Highly recommend if you are a fan of Chinese food. Steam Rice Rolls with Prawns - fresh prawns and nicely steamed rice roll. The rice rolls are not over-steamed which I do encounter at some other dim sim places.  


蝦餃 Steamed Prawn Dumpling - fresh!


鮮蝦腐皮捲 Deep Fried Bean Curd with Prawns - crispy and tasty


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