早餐才在Three Blue Ducks 吃得開心又滿足, 到了下午一點多又嘴饞想到Newtown去找找我大學時代最最最~喜歡的cafe - Cafe Cinque. 它的cheesecake還有egg benedicts令我多年以來念念不忘. 可惜, 它竟然不在了! Oh no!!!! 好傷心啊! 我頓時沒有胃口, 不過同行的大碗公, 飯Q及麵帥還是要吃啊, 索性走進Mad Pizza e Bar, 強顏歡笑的我後來發現, 味道真不賴耶. 不得不說, 多元文化的澳洲雪梨, 真的是美食天堂. 來自各國的料理都道地又美味! We ended up in Newton looking for my long time favourite cafe serving great cheesecakes and egg benedicts - Cafe Cinque after our wonderful latte and breakfast at Three Blue Ducks earlier that morning. I was so disappointed when I realised that Cafe Cinque has closed down for business! We ended up at Mad Pizza e Bar also along King Street. Pepperoni Pizza - Sliced pepperoni, roma tomatoes, black olives and basil leaves with anchovies. The pizza crust was very crunchy. Lightly spicy pepperoni together with anchoives and olives was so appertising.   


義大利辣味香腸配上鹹鹹香香的anchovies小魚, 又辣又鹹好過癮. 配上冰涼的啤酒, 大碗公很開心ㄋ.


Rocket salad on the side with drizzles of olive oils and lemon zest was very fresh and aromatic. 


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