
Sah 妹回來了!滿滿的鄉愁就該用客家菜來填補. 這家大楊梅鵝莊位於龍潭的南天宮旁,也是鐵牛的故鄉. 我們已經吃了十多年了.

Sah just came back. She was so home sick that comfort food = Hakka food. Therefore we were back to Iron Man's home town Long-Tan in Taoyuan County for the weekend. This is our favourite Hakka restaurant by far.

開胃小菜是涼拌小黃瓜及大溪豆干. 都在水準上. 

Starters were cucumber salad and tofu salad. Both met the standards.

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首先上菜的是鵝肉-切地薄薄的鵝肉軟嫩不柴,配上淡淡的蒜頭香. 雖有附上客家式的豆醬但是鵝肉直接吃就很好吃摟. 加點了鵝翅膀, 鵝胗及鵝腳. 鵝腳我沒吃, 不過看到鐵牛及鐵牛嫂enjoy的模樣, 相信不錯吃.

The goose arrived first. Chef sliced it thinly so the texture was soft and juicy. Came along with soy paste dipping sauce but it was not required as the goose itself was great. Also ordered the wings, gizzards and feet. Didn't try the feet but believe they tasted good as both Iron Man and Iron Lady enjoyed it so much.



下2道是炒米苔目以及湯米苔目.炒米苔目內有乾的蝦米及香菇,加上淡淡的醬油香味,只要吃炒米苔目,沒有其他的菜餚就會很開心. 至於湯米苔目的味精過多, 在此就不多做介紹了.

Stirred fried fat rice noodle and soupy fat rice noodle were next. Stirred fried fat rice noodle was my top pick. Dried baby prawns and mushroom together with soy sauce added so much value into this dish. No comment on the soupy fat rice noodle as too much MSG had never been my preference.



梅菜扣肉加割包是第一次點, 單看扣肉的五花好像太肥而不敢吃. 不過真開心我吃了, 因為加了割包一點也不油膩. 下回來還要再點!

Sliced pork with pickled cabbage was excellent. Though it looked super high in calories, I was not regretted at all when I finished the whole piece with steamed bun. 

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經典的五味肉當然不能忘記, 配上蒜苗沾白醋醬, 還是跟小時候吃時, 一樣的香.

The claissical Five spice pork has always been on the list. Dipped into white vinegar sauce tasted as good as it used to be when I was in kindy.



接著是不太客家風的三杯豆腐和炒山蘇. 三杯豆腐其實和三杯雞的味道雷同. 九層塔真的是為它加分許多. 只要是豆腐, 大碗公都愛, 不例外的他解決了大部份. 

Followed by not so Hakka style dishes - 3 Cup Tofu and Stirred Fried Nest Fern. A very traditional Taiwanese dish 3 Cup Tofu included a cup of soy, a cup of sesame oil and a cup of water. You can use the above three ingredient to make any types of 3 Cup dishes (well, mostly any types).

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