
一直不對羊肉爐有太大的期待, 因為怕它會有羊騷味. 不過經過鐵牛嫂的大力推薦, 大伙兒趁初秋時分去了一趟大園鄉的甲好羊肉爐. 要找到它可不容易. GPS搜尋不到, 大概地設了附近的地址還是迷路了. 最後是打電話給店家老闆邊問邊開才找到. 從傍晚迷路到天黑,肚子變得越來越餓, 連飯帥都睡著了. 

Never been a fan of Lamb Hot Pot due to the occassionally strong lamb aroma. Decided to give it another go since Iron Lady highly recommend the one near Taoyuan International Airport. It was not an easy trip to get there as we weren't able to locate it via GPS. 


友善的老闆在點餐時自動幫我們選了那兒的招牌料理, 當然是全羊料理啦. 甲好的旁邊就是羊牧場. 所以是自產自銷, 十分新鮮. 餐廳沒有華麗的裝潢, 看起來像以前在新加坡隨處可見的kopitiam. 主角-羊肉爐, 真的好香, 老闆在高湯內加了羊骨, 薑及中藥材. 我一口氣喝了四碗. 讓整個身體暖和起來. 食補可不是隨便說說的呢. 加入高麗菜和新鮮羊肉片, 配上油蔥麵線, 麵Q很捧場的吃了3碗. 

The friendly owner/chef automatically decided the signature dishes for us. For sure, all dishes came with lamb! There was also a farm right next to it but we couldn't see any running sheep as it was already dark. No deco at the restaurant which reminded me of kopitams around the corners in Singapore. The Lamb Hot Pot smelled great. Believe that you can only find such dishes in Taiwan. Chef added lamb bones, ginger and Chinese herbal into the broth which tasted excellent. I had 4 bowls of soup straight away! You can also put in cabbages and fresh lamb slices into the Hot Pot as and when you feel like it. The garlicy oil with thin noodle made the Hot Pot very filling too.

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接著是冷盤-白切羊肉片, 沾著豆瓣醬, 神奇的一點都不騷, 軟嫩適中. 口感比蒜泥白肉的豬肉片還嫩. 不過, 吃了5片就是上限. 白切羊肉帶有一點肥肉及皮, 吃多了會膩.

The cold dish - Sliced Lamb tasted good with soy paste sauce. It was tender and again the strong lamb aroma was not exist. However, 5 slices was my limit as it can get a little bit too much.


其實最美味的是沙茶羊肉和炒羊肚. 一轉眼沙茶羊肉就被大家掃光光. 可惜甲好不賣白飯, 不然大碗公和飯帥一定可以舉辦大胃王比賽.

The top picks were Satay Stirred Fried Lamb and Stirred Fried Tripe. Plenty of garlic, ginger and Chinese celery were added in the Satay Stirred Fried Lamb. Slight vinegar was seasoned in the Stirred Fried Tripe which made it very appertising. I can eat them with plenty of rice!

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甲好羊肉爐位於桃園機場附近, 所以不時聽到飛機起降(而且很大聲歐). 羊群們應該聽膩了, 但對於飯帥和麵Q來說就很新奇啦.



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