胡志明市內的五星級‘洲際酒店’ InterContinental Asian Saigon, 二樓的Yu Cho有知名的港式飲茶吃到飽. 午餐的價位為388,000VDN++(須再加服務費與稅金), 晚餐的價位為498,000VDN++, 有38種港式點心任你吃, 很多道點心都是在水準之上. 用餐環境舒適高級, 非常推薦想暫時與喧鬧的胡志明市隔離一陣子的食客朋友們. 咸水餃 - 外皮炸得酥脆, 不會過硬. Yu Cho Cantonese Restaurant is loacted on the first floor of InterContinental Asian Saigon in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Yu Cho offers daily all you can eat dim sum at 388,000VDN++ and 498,000++ for lunch and dinner respectively. It offers good dim sum with excellent service and deco. A great place to dine if you want to step away from the hectic HCM City traffic. 

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法米法式甜點與誠品綠園道相鄰, 面對ㄧ片綠意盎然的公園, 法米的用餐環境舒適, 二樓的落地窗一眼望去即是綠園道的草皮. 溫暖的陽光灑進店家, 吃著甜點心情頓時變好摟. 精緻的手工小點與咖啡非常適合在下午茶時段享用.  La Famille Bakery literally facing Taichung's Parkland. It serves quality gelato, hand made pasteries and coffee. It is a great place for afternoon tea before or after your stroll along the Parklane. 




季節性的草莓千層酥 - 一層又一層的酥皮有濃濃的牛油香氣, Custard還看的到小小的香草籽, 很有水準歐! Seasonal Strawberry Napoleon with crusty and strong buttery aroma. Custard is full of vanilla pods. I highly recommend this cake!


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開業近50年的彰化'夜市爌肉飯'千萬別被它的名字騙了, 若到了入夜再去吃, 包準你吃不到. 因為這家'夜市爌肉飯'下午三點開門, 賣到傍晚賣完就關門, 往往到了五點就吃不到了. 我們大夥兒在下午三點門一開即找了張桌子等老闆老闆娘張羅準備, 撲鼻的香氣讓我不停地吞口水. 我真的沒有誇大, 我ㄧ直不停地吞口水並眼巴巴的望著忙碌的老闆老闆娘, 希望可以快點將我們點的菜送上. 爌肉乾麵加點滷蛋- 這家'夜市爌肉飯'厲害的就是它的滷汁了, 不會過鹹或過甜, 味道剛剛好. 爌肉超級Q嫩, 先咬一口豬皮的部分, 完全沒有油膩感, 連皮帶肥肉瘦肉一口咬下, 心理不由得感嘆'怎麼到現在才吃到這麼厲害的爌肉啊!?真的是相見恨晚! 豐富的膠質把雙唇黏住, 就像護唇膏一樣. 'ChangHua's 'Night Market Pork Belly with Rice' has been up and running for almost 50 years. Don't get fooled by its name as it opens its door at 3 pm and close until sold (though normally all food would be gone by 5pm). It is probably the best Taiwanese pork belly rice I've ever had. The moist, collagen rich pork is so tasty that I can have it everyday (oh well, maybe Monday to Friday, every week). We also ordered chicken drumstick (limited) and eggs though my favourite was still the pork belly.


雞腿飯 - 雞腿是限量的歐




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靠近仁愛國小與捷運信義安和站的Jamling Cafe 從2013年11月中旬開張至今不到4個月, 已經累積了相當多的愛好者.  不同於米朗琪的脆格子鬆餅, 打著日本風的名號, 由三位日本年輕人合夥的Jamling Cafe, 吸引人的不外乎就是它那來自日本的小麥粉與台灣優質的雞蛋所做成的鬆軟鬆餅, 不論甜的鹹的都好吃. 鹹鬆餅中, 我最推薦的是Okonomiyaki 大阪燒鬆餅口味. 原本以為又甜又鹹怎麼會好吃ㄋ? 但是一試就驚艷, 之後再訪Jamiling Cafe也必點此道pancake. Located near Ren Ai Elementary School and MRT Xinyi Anho Station, Jamling Cafe made its debut in Nov 2013. It has accumulated numerous supporters for its Japanese style pancakes both in sweet and savoury flavours.  


Jamling 特製鬆餅 $180 -  Crunchy Honey Butter - thick pancake topped with honey and butter. Good pancake batter. 


大阪燒鬆餅 $240 這是我在Jamling Cafe的最愛! 美乃滋與柴魚片的底下有一顆荷包蛋與培根片, 跟吃正宗的大板燒一樣好吃! Okonomiyaki - my favourite dish at Jamling. Egg, bacon topped with generous amount of mayo and  dried bonito flakes. I'd like it for supper or afternoon tea! 


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麗珠什錦麵在萬華區已經有50年, 現在由第二代經營, 店面不大座位也不多, 生意非常的好. 台式炸排骨, 什錦麵是麗珠什錦麵的招牌菜, 但是試過後, 我發現能當招牌菜的不只是二道菜而已. 我們當天點的各個都好吃, 大家邊吃邊靜靜的點頭讚許(因為好吃得沒有空講話). 醉雞使用烘仔雞腿肉, 中藥材跟紹興酒浸泡入味, 雞腿的油脂凝結成半透明的肉凍, 酒香濃郁, 酒量不好的我覺得吃太多會醉呢! This local Taiwanese eatery has been up and running for over 50 years. Now serving by the second generation, it still serve one of the best fried pork chops in Taipei. Drunken chicken is a cold dish marinated by shaoxing rice wine. Strong in aroma yet the texture is juicy and tender. IMG_3875.JPG

豬里肌肉醃的十分入味, 薄薄的裹上粉漿油炸, 遠遠的就聞到香氣. 不用沾任何的醬汁就好吃的不得了. 今兒我們點了二份炸排骨, 大碗公還一直說'再點一份吧'! Lightly battered deep fried pork chops has won my heart as one of the best Taiwanese pork chops in Taipei. Marinated for over two days, pork chops are golden tender and aromatic.IMG_3876.JPG

什錦麵 (湯) - 滿滿一碗的什錦麵有豬肝, 豬肉絲, 木耳, 蚵仔, 蝦子, 花枝與青菜, 湯頭結集了以上的精華, 非常鮮甜. Deluxe Noodle Soup contains pork, pork liver, prawn, oyster, squid and vegetable. Very satisfying dish! 


什錦麵 (炒) - 跟什錦湯麵的材料相同, 但是多了點wok氣, 大火快炒的麵真的是太好吃了! Stir Fried Deluxe Noodle - same ingredients as the above, yet it has extra 'wok' taste as cooked over high heat.


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Ms Bubble Cafe 在台北市有三家店. 造訪過其中的2家, 對它健康營養多樣化的All Day Breakfast十分推薦. 每份主食外可搭配2種side dish - 薯條, 濃湯, 凱薩沙拉, 鮮蔬(熟食), 水果杯或芝麻豆腐 (6選2). Ms Bubble Cafe has 3 outlets in Taipei. Offering all day breakfast, you can pick 2 sides out of 6 (including chips, daily soup, ceasar salad, vegetable, fruit cup or sesame tofu) to go with your main dish. 經典瑪格 $160 Margherita Sandwich


茄汁肉醬烤餅 $170 Tortilla with Meat Sauce


Pumpkin Soup


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瞞著爹 一店位於微風廣場後方的小巷子內, 用餐選在平日的中午, 每人$1,280的握壽司套餐. 瞞著爹 一店的服務態度很好, 原本擔心帶四歲的飯帥去用餐會被白眼, 因為小朋友還不能吃生魚, 沒想到壽司大將十分友善, 除了忙著料理台的工作, 觀察細微的他還會跟飯帥互動, 三不五十的拿出飯帥喜歡吃的枝豆與海苔片請他吃. 跟其他的日式壽司餐廳師傅的態度大大的不同. 價位上以平日午餐來說雖不算平價, 但是you get what you paid, 用料實在又新鮮. Located at a small alley behind Breeze Centre, this Japanese sushi restaurant - 'Don't tell my Dad' serves fresh, good quality sushi and sashimi. We visited this kids friendly restaurant during weekday lunchtime service with full capacity. At $1,280 per head, you can enjoy excellent seafood and hearty service.






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誠品松菸店內的餐廳, cafe有許多的選擇, 在某平日的11am想到這兒晃晃, 一眼就被Pinknic 野餐吧 鄉村風情的裝潢吸引. 緊鄰著落地窗, 光線明亮的採光, 雖然在地下二樓也不覺得暗. 跟好友分別點了三明治與附上濃湯的早午餐, 用餐完後的感想皆是 - 氣氛很好但味道非常一般的店. $390還不包含飲料, 價位不菲且味道令人失望. 我們將來也不會再訪. 南瓜濃湯 - 是我的brunch附上的, 味道普通, 且送上時湯已經不熱了! Eslite Spectrum Songyan Store at Xinyi District is a great place to hang out for food, books or just chill out. Locating at the B2, Pinknic cafe sits at a quiet corner with floor to ceiling glass windows. Bright, airy and its country style deco attracted us without second thought. However, we were both very disappointed with it food and beverages. Each dish costs $390 (without drinks), I would expect better quality of food and tastes. The pumpkin soup came as part of my egg benedicts. The soup was already cool when it was sent to our table. 


牛小排三明治 $390 牛肉很硬很老. 麵包咬起來也沒有新鮮的感覺, 想必是隔夜麵包吧! 薯條送上桌時已經冷了. 在平日11點的時節, 客人只有2桌, 竟送上此水準的餐點實在不敢恭維. Stake Sandwich $390 - Hard and chewy stake in petit size. The sandwich itself tasted old. I guess the bread was not freshly baked in the morning. chips were cold too when sent to our table.  


野生燻鮭魚佐醃洋蔥班尼迪克蛋 $390 (brunch附濃湯, 並可抵$100飲料消費) - 我非常愛吃班尼迪克蛋, 而它的hollandaise sauce是非常重要的角色, 可惜這兒的hollandaise sauce無味, 燻鮭魚又超迷你, 我們不禁心想 - 這$390的價值在哪兒? I am a big fan of egg benedict and the hollandaise sauce plays major part of the dish. Pity the hollandaise sauce at Pinknic did not wow me at all as it was very bland. The petit smoke salmon was not appertising either. 


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下了高鐵左營站, 租了代步車, 即前往車程約30分鐘的潮州鎮吃美食. 首先到了潮州牛肉福, 二家店面寬的老店面在騎樓擺上廚房, 一早就熬的牛肉湯香味撲鼻. 潮州牛肉福的牛肉湯是以生牛肉片置於碗裡, 加入九層塔再注入牛肉湯, 牛雖然代筋, 有點嚼口, 不過厲害的是那牛肉湯, 清香甜! 更棒的是可以續湯! 快炒類的料理均放了很多的大蒜, 大火快炒的牛肉有先醃過, 口感很嫩, 蔬菜炒的油亮清脆. We alighted at Zuoying's high speed railway station before lunchtime. Headed straight to Pintung county for its traditional Taiwanese cusine after we picked up the rental car. Our first stop was a local beef eatery located in a small alley in ChowChu town. Open from 6:30am (yes, 6:30am), you can have it for breakfast if you prefer your breakky on the greasy side.


牛肉湯 - 所有的精華都在這兒, 大鍋內飄浮的就是牛雜 The exotic beef soup 


Raw beef slices are placed in the bowl with plenty of basil. Soup is added to cook the beef nice and pink.


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吉品海鮮餐廳在台北算是小有名氣. 二間店分別在敦化南路跟信義區. 用餐當日跟Sah二人點了港式點心, 或許是之前聽過很多的正面評價, 所以我們的期望過高, 它的價位與菜餚的水準無法on par - 過高的收費與過氣的裝潢, 將來我們不會再去吃了. 廣東炒麵 - 佐料與醬汁平淡無奇, 出名的廣東菜餐廳不該做出這種無味的麵食. 金華街上的香港鑫華茶餐廳的廣東炒麵比吉品的優質許多.  Ji Pin Seafood Restaurant is relatively famous in its dim sum and Cantonese dishes in Taipei. Sah and I visited Ji Pin during lunch service for their dim sum. Heard a lot of praises before our visit though we probably put our expectation too high. It actually disappointed me in every single aspects - dishes, price and deco. Cantonese Fried Noodle - sauce was so blend that made me wonder - was it cooked by its amature?


煎蘿蔔糕 - 當天比較好吃的小點 Pan Fried Carrot Cake - a better dish among all


蝦餃 - 尺寸很小, 價位很高 Prawn Dumpling - mini in its size, mega in its price


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