在綿綿秋雨的傍晚來到89 活海產, 共有2個店面相隔合江街. 其中一個店內已經坐滿了食客, 還坐到騎樓ㄟ, 不畏雨水與涼風, 不惜ㄧ切為了美食, 佩服配服. 我們坐在仍然空空的另一店面, 騎樓是老闆和老闆娘掌廚的地方. 還有魚缸內活躍的魚, 花蟹及地王蟹. 隨意吃到飽的滷肉飯, 油蔥跟豬五花搭配的很優. 偏油膩, 但是油的好吃.   

Arrived 89 Fresh Seafood Restaurant in an early evening on a wet day. 1 shopfront was already full with diners. Their kitchen is located at the arcade so you can see all the hustle and bustle happening. All you can eat Braised Pork Rice (garlic with pork belly) was a great start of the evening. A little bit on the oily side, but what a wonderful combo!


炸透抽 - 我的首選. 在點菜的時候才看到廚師川燙, 再切成細塊. 絕對不是像外面冷凍的炸花枝圈. 沾上胡椒鹽, 香味撲鼻. 厲害的是它冷了都還好吃歐. 

Deep Fried Squid - my top pick of the night. Differ to the frozen calamari rings, it even tasted good when cold. 


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Sah 回來後兩人發威大吃特吃. 早餐還沒消化就要吃午餐. 這回來到Burger 1885. 起初在師大附近開店,  直到今年初才搬到微風廣場旁邊. Sah 點了原味起司牛肉漢堡, 牛堡肉外面煎的焦焦地, 中間仍然只有七分熟, 味道鮮嫩, 吃得出牛肉的甜美. 最優質的是薯條. 炸的酥酥脆脆, 還撒下些微的胡椒, 超級美味!和坊間美式餐廳或cafe相比, 這兒的薯條真是太讚了!Sah 也舉雙手贊成.

Been eating crazy since Sah came back to Taipei. One meal after another like a never ending road. Sah ordered Original Cheese Beef Burger. Julcy beef patty with cheese on top. Beef was so tender that you can taste the freshness and sweetness of beef straight away. Chips (French Fries) was very crunchy and aromatic. Way better than the other western food restaurants or cafe in Taiwan.


我點了蘑菇起司牛肉漢堡套餐, 附上可續杯的飲料. 蘑菇雖是罐頭再加工, 但是味道有濃濃的牛油香. 十分好吃.

I ordered one of the set menus of the day - Mushroom Cheese Beef Burger.  It comes along with refillable drink. The mushroom was very buttery and tasty.   


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Brunch的好選擇Melange早上7:30就開了. 早鳥的我一直是它的愛好者. 畢竟大部份的cafe 11am 才開. Melange換上新的名片, menu 也變得更多樣化, 除了常見的咖啡, 茶類, 鬆餅, 蛋糕, 三明治等等, 還引進英國Fortnum & Mason茶葉和進口啤酒.

Love to enjoy my brunch at Melange as it starts early from 7:30 on weekdays. New business card and menu. They have extended their menu including Fortnum & Mason's tea and various imported beer. Anyone into beer with waffles and quiches though?


草莓奶油鬆餅 - 厚厚酥酥的鬆餅, 新鮮香甜的大草莓及草莓冰淇淋(若不喜歡奶油,店家會貼心的把奶油換成草莓冰淇淋) 吃了會覺得很開心ㄟ. 大份量, 一個人吃不完, 跟好友分享最棒了! 

Strawberry Waffle - comes with fresh strawberries, a scoop of strawberry ice-cream and a scoop of custard. You can request to replace the custard into ice-cream (or vice-versa) as desired. The dish was very aromatic and rich in flavour. It has always been one of my favourites at Melange.


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每次經過一品花雕雞, 門外總站滿了食客. 這回終於去試試. 花雕雞鍋一共有三種選擇 (1) 招牌花雕雞 - 飼料雞的腿及翅膀 (2) 花雕咕骨雞- 仿土雞的腿及翅膀 (3) 花雕皇帝雞 - 仿土雞的去骨雞腿肉. 我們點了第三種. 鍋蓋一開香氣十足, 花雕酒的氣味撲鼻. 雞肉吃起來真的有花雕酒的香味, 十分下飯, 大碗公發揮實力, 還直說好吃好吃. 細細白白的年糕十分Q, 很有嚼勁. 芹菜跟青蔥也幫它加分歐

This palce is known for Chicken Hot Pot marinated with Shaoxing Wine. It has very strong aroma of Shaoxing wine which was very appetizing. You can order hot pot with drumstick and wings, or hot pot with deboned thigh. We ordered the latter.  Flavour was good at the beginning but felt very salty at the end. A good pick for rice addicts.


熱炒類的金銀絲瓜選自澎湖絲瓜, 炒的脆脆地絲瓜, 搭配鹹蛋黃及蒜片真的是吃的比看的吸引人.  



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選在平日傍晚到石二鍋, 心想五點多到應該不用候位. 不過我們還是等了將近一個半小時才用餐. 帶著飯帥和麵Q到旁邊的榮星花園玩, 跑跑跳跳, 時間一下子就過去了.

石二鍋 specialises in hot pots, owned by a very famous cartel of restaurants in Taiwan - Wow Prime.  Very popular among youngsters so the waiting time may be pretty long. 


開放式的廚房清潔明亮, 工作人員都很認真誒.

The open space kitchen is bright and clean. They all looked so focused at their stations.


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築地鮮魚從新竹市發跡, 今年起在台北東區的延吉街巷內開起分店, 沒有華麗的裝潢, 只有新鮮的食材. 特色就是它的生魚片蓋飯. 料多且價格親民. 如果想吃新鮮的生魚片又想對銀行戶頭有交待, 來築地鮮魚是好選擇. 

I love Japanese food especially sashimi and sushi. Found this place - simple  and fresh every time I visit. Defenitely value for money! They are well known for Sashimi Donburi (raw fish/seafood on top of rice in a bowl) though have extended their menu to suit others needs.



Menu 如下. 除了生魚片, 還有許多熟食可選. 烤物也在水準之上. 推薦烤鯖魚, 好甜ㄝ


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一週一回, 在送了大碗公, 麵Q和飯帥出門後, 喜歡散步去 Caffè Chat 享受 bagel and hot Latte 來揭開美好的一天. 一直在台北尋找口感像London Brick Lane 的bagel, Caffè Chat算是台北的首選! 看看牆上掛的bagels...有好多口味可選擇.

I am a big fan of bagels. Brick Lane in London is my top pick. Bagels and salt beef with a dash of English mustard can be finished up at anytime, anyday. Have been searching for good bagels around Taipei for months and finally I found Caffè Chat! 


早餐套餐共有9種選擇, 不愛bagel的朋友可以選擇sandwich or ciabatta. 當日選了花生醬與 cream chess bagel 搭配 hot Latte, Latte 上還有兩顆小愛心的拉花歐! 美味早餐搭配一本好書是一段幸福的食(時)光.

9 breakfast combos are available. Sandwich or ciabatta are also on the menu. I picked crunchy peanut butter with cream cheese bagel. Latte was light and aromatic. The breakfast combo always goes well with a good book.


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一直不對羊肉爐有太大的期待, 因為怕它會有羊騷味. 不過經過鐵牛嫂的大力推薦, 大伙兒趁初秋時分去了一趟大園鄉的甲好羊肉爐. 要找到它可不容易. GPS搜尋不到, 大概地設了附近的地址還是迷路了. 最後是打電話給店家老闆邊問邊開才找到. 從傍晚迷路到天黑,肚子變得越來越餓, 連飯帥都睡著了. 

Never been a fan of Lamb Hot Pot due to the occassionally strong lamb aroma. Decided to give it another go since Iron Lady highly recommend the one near Taoyuan International Airport. It was not an easy trip to get there as we weren't able to locate it via GPS. 


友善的老闆在點餐時自動幫我們選了那兒的招牌料理, 當然是全羊料理啦. 甲好的旁邊就是羊牧場. 所以是自產自銷, 十分新鮮. 餐廳沒有華麗的裝潢, 看起來像以前在新加坡隨處可見的kopitiam. 主角-羊肉爐, 真的好香, 老闆在高湯內加了羊骨, 薑及中藥材. 我一口氣喝了四碗. 讓整個身體暖和起來. 食補可不是隨便說說的呢. 加入高麗菜和新鮮羊肉片, 配上油蔥麵線, 麵Q很捧場的吃了3碗. 

The friendly owner/chef automatically decided the signature dishes for us. For sure, all dishes came with lamb! There was also a farm right next to it but we couldn't see any running sheep as it was already dark. No deco at the restaurant which reminded me of kopitams around the corners in Singapore. The Lamb Hot Pot smelled great. Believe that you can only find such dishes in Taiwan. Chef added lamb bones, ginger and Chinese herbal into the broth which tasted excellent. I had 4 bowls of soup straight away! You can also put in cabbages and fresh lamb slices into the Hot Pot as and when you feel like it. The garlicy oil with thin noodle made the Hot Pot very filling too.


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Sah 妹回來了!滿滿的鄉愁就該用客家菜來填補. 這家大楊梅鵝莊位於龍潭的南天宮旁,也是鐵牛的故鄉. 我們已經吃了十多年了.

Sah just came back. She was so home sick that comfort food = Hakka food. Therefore we were back to Iron Man's home town Long-Tan in Taoyuan County for the weekend. This is our favourite Hakka restaurant by far.

開胃小菜是涼拌小黃瓜及大溪豆干. 都在水準上. 

Starters were cucumber salad and tofu salad. Both met the standards.

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